@NJoy Stop right there! Whew! I had to get your attention!
(I'm sick right now, and I started reading this on my phone. Seeing your name too made me get all up out of bed so I could use the smilies.
I'm glad you got so many of your tangles released. Believe me, I have had some crazy, crazy tangles too. The hardest thing is working on them for hours and hours and still having that giant ball on my head
I'm sorry that you're going through this.
But I'm glad that you can also hide that bad boy and go about your day when you need to. (I've done the same thing!!!!)
The only other suggestion I have (and it's strange that I'm suggesting this given that I have been a complete, 100% DIYer since my last relaxer), is to go to a salon.
Not any salon,
but a curly hair salon. I had a ginormous tangle. Literally a quarter of my hair (the back right) had knotted and matted together something fierce
(and every time I took a break from it it would twist its way back up!!!
). I completely said *** it
. I went to a DevaChan-inspired/certified salon (people who are familiar with curly hair) and revealed my tangle. My stylist was so sweet, and he and other stylists spent like two hours untangling that and the other random knots in my hair. I helped a tiny bit, but mostly just watched. And after: free hair. Whew! It felt so good.
If you're struggling to get it out, it might be a good idea to go to a professional--especially one who won't just grab the scissors and will understand your desire to keep your hair.
At the same time, if you're ready to chop, chop away! For me, it was the relaxed hair that was acting up the most!