Sigh! Seems as if my relaxed hair...............


New Member
...............grew so much faster than my natural hair is growing. Ladies I got a lot of growth when I was relaxed, even though I'd end up losing it most of the time, but now that my hair is natural, I don't think my growth is impressive. I am going on six months since my BC, and my hair is not as long as i'd expect. I will be takeing down braids and posting comparison shots after the break and then you can be the judge. :ohwell:

Does anyone else ever feel like their hair grew faster in one state than it did in another?
Could it just be a matter of perception? You know relaxed hair is straightened so even a little new growth straightenend out would seem like a lot more versus the same amount of natural new growth. Shrinkage can really mask your actual hair length. Don't get discouraged!
^^ ita! That shrinkage factor can make or break ya, fo sho' :grin:

my hair didn't seem like it was doing much of nuttin so when i brushed out a twist-out i was like whoa!

felt even better about the growth when i did a warm/cold blow out and really got to feelin good after i flatironed it (bittersweet moment :yep:).

was so surprised to see how much was there hiding amongst the shrinkage.

give yourself plenty of time and patience. your hair is definitely growing the same as when it was relaxed, don't worry or get sad.

make sure you take lots of pictures to document ;)
As most everyone has said you probably notice it more on straight relaxed hair than you do on tightly coiled kinky hair.

I can tell you that as my natural hair is growing when I take it out I dont' notice much, but when I blowdry it and use my flat iron and I can see my growth better.
Girlfriend you are suffering with *shrinkage hair-anorexia*....when you are feeling that way just flatiron it every now and again so you can see your actual length. :hug2:
:grin: Okay, I over reacted :lachen: No, my growth is not remarkable, but it's not bad since I haven't been using ANY growth aides in the last few months. I conditioned, detangled, and was able to braid it all back in 3 sections :grin: That shrinkage really had be going for a bit.