*sigh* Rant..And thanks for the inspiration...


Well-Known Member
I'm so at a loss. I just feel like my nape area won't grow. I recently BC'd. I thought I would regret it, but I actually really don't. I was at the point, that I would've went bald if my stylist told me I needed to COMPLETELY start over.

So many of you ladies give me inspiration, that my hair can grow too. I am serious when i say that. You ladies here who offer help. Please know that you are a BLESSING to me. I know "IAMNOTMYHAIR" but my natural hair matters to me. Whats the point in my weave looking fly, if when I take it down, my natural hair is a mess :ohwell: I don't think my hair has ever been past shoulder length. I know it's because I never EVER cared for it like I should have.
I've started taking care of my hair, and now i'm trying to find out what my natural hair likes. I'm just at a loss, I don't know what to do with natural hair :-( . It's not as easy as i thought. Now I'm back to being discouraged, because my nape just won't grow. I just don't think I know what to do with natural hair at all. Just really want to cry. Because i'm tired of always having to cover up my natural hair because it's not in a well enough condition to wear it out :ohwell: Dare i say it...I'm tired of weaves...Now that i've BC'd i've gained alot of growth. But now i'm lost don't know what to do about my nape and edges. My edges are growing in but they are so thin and nappy:lachen: And very sparse, I don't know what to do to baby them. I moisturize my nape, but it seems like it still grows about half an inch, then a few weeks later, it looks like i've shaved it again. Whats going on??

I'm so confused. I feel like a product junkie again. Trying out everything. Henna is next on my list. Hope it does me good!
Hmmmmm maybe you should check the doctor just to be safe, not saying anything is wrong with you but I had the same deal with my edges and I went to the doc and found out that since my iron had been so low for so long other levels started to become low. Vitamin D,biotin,potassium,b vitamins, and the thing is....I felt fine, so I thought! It took me a year of taking my vitamins EVERY DAY! No skippin, and going to get my levels checked every three months for my edges to stop breaking off. If you check my albums you will see that I'm growing them in as best I can but I will say that b4 now no growth ever lasted and it was always thin....after a month or two it would be bald again...Just a thought HTH.
Hmmmmm maybe you should check the doctor just to be safe, not saying anything is wrong with you but I had the same deal with my edges and I went to the doc and found out that since my iron had been so low for so long other levels started to become low. Vitamin D,biotin,potassium,b vitamins, and the thing is....I felt fine, so I thought! It took me a year of taking my vitamins EVERY DAY! No skippin, and going to get my levels checked every three months for my edges to stop breaking off. If you check my albums you will see that I'm growing them in as best I can but I will say that b4 now no growth ever lasted and it was always thin....after a month or two it would be bald again...Just a thought HTH.

Thank you so much. This is very helpful. Did you go to a dermatologist?
I agree with being aware of your body (energy levels, hair loss, skipped cycles, etc.) and getting your iron levels/hormones checked if you feel that something's amiss.

One thing that stands out to me is the areas that you're experiencing problems. The edges and the nape. You also stated that you keep your natural hair covered.... what are you using? I've noticed that my edges HATE for my scarves to be snug or tight REGARDLESS of the fabric/accessories used. That area would be mildly tender. Once I noticed that, I made a conscious effort to baby them. It's paid off because they filled in. Sometimes it's the small tweaks that can make a world of difference. :yep:

You may want to pm some of the natural ladies on the board with similar textures to yours (and search the site) for help in dealing with natural hair. The "natural experience" can range from easy peasy to a horrid nightmare... there are so many ranges of emotion when it comes to our hair. The most important thing is to be patient and learn the basics, then mold those basics to suit your head of hair. It's alot of observation, trial and error, and diligence. :bighug: It'll be ok. :yep:
What's your reggie OP? There may be very simple reasons attestable to your regimen as to why your hair won't grow...please share your reggie with the group so folks can chime in.

And I just have to say..... if you're natural, then your edges are supposed to be "nappy", so that in itself isn't a sympton of something wrong :)

This board's been a great inspiration to me too...don't get discouraged. We're all here to help.
I agree with being aware of your body (energy levels, hair loss, skipped cycles, etc.) and getting your iron levels/hormones checked if you feel that something's amiss.

One thing that stands out to me is the areas that you're experiencing problems. The edges and the nape. You also stated that you keep your natural hair covered.... what are you using? I've noticed that my edges HATE for my scarves to be snug or tight REGARDLESS of the fabric/accessories used. That area would be mildly tender. Once I noticed that, I made a conscious effort to baby them. It's paid off because they filled in. Sometimes it's the small tweaks that can make a world of difference. :yep:

You may want to pm some of the natural ladies on the board with similar textures to yours (and search the site) for help in dealing with natural hair. The "natural experience" can range from easy peasy to a horrid nightmare... there are so many ranges of emotion when it comes to our hair. The most important thing is to be patient and learn the basics, then mold those basics to suit your head of hair. It's alot of observation, trial and error, and diligence. :bighug: It'll be ok. :yep:

I don't really know what my texture is :blush: Maybe you guys can help.

What's your reggie OP? There may be very simple reasons attestable to your regimen as to why your hair won't grow...please share your reggie with the group so folks can chime in.

And I just have to say..... if you're natural, then your edges are supposed to be "nappy", so that in itself isn't a sympton of something wrong :)

This board's been a great inspiration to me too...don't get discouraged. We're all here to help.

Right now I don't quite have one. I'm just using JBCO for my edges. And I have had my hair braided up for the most part. I'm doing henna this weekend.

And when I said nappy, I mean nappy, as in just really dry and breaking off. The rest of my hair isn't so dry like my edges. I don't understand because I moisturize them the same. I just have to find out what my hair likes.
What's your reggie OP? There may be very simple reasons attestable to your regimen as to why your hair won't grow...please share your reggie with the group so folks can chime in.

And I just have to say..... if you're natural, then your edges are supposed to be "nappy", so that in itself isn't a sympton of something wrong :)

This board's been a great inspiration to me too...don't get discouraged. We're all here to help.

And i'm VERY inspired.@your siggie.