sick, but would like to wash--any special methods?


With Love & Silk
I'm not so much against wetting my hair when I'm sick as I am letting it air-dry while I'm sick.

Today's my regular shampoo/ condition day and I can tell that my hair knows today is the day

Any special methods to get the job done w/o making myself feel worse? thanks
SG, I would just sit under a warm (not hot) dryer until your scalp is dry. A continuous wet head doesnt sound good for you right now. When you are better, you can return to your regular routine. Feel better sis!!
You said: "Any special methods to get the job done w/o making myself feel worse? thanks"

Leave your hair alone until you feel strong enough to do your routine. Have to say that I do not wash my hair when I am in the middle of a cold or flu. It's really counterproductive.


P.S. Feel much, much better very soon
Re: sick, but would like to wash--any special meth

Hey, I'm sorry you're

I would use some mild heat too to quicken the drying process.
Get well soon!

Drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. Wash your hair when you feel better. No air drying until you are completely well. Hope you feel better soon!

Advise for a common cold/flu.
Re: sick, but would like to wash--any special meth

Thanks. You all are very sweet. I'm taking care of myself and obviously not too sick to be on the LHCF! Anyway, I think I'll just wait to do my shampoo/condition--I wouldn't wanna make things worse.