Shower, Poo, Deep Cond, Shower ....


Well-Known Member
anyway, this is my question for those who only wash their hair in the shower ...

I am upping the ante on my hair care so I decided to shampoo my hair in the shower. Well, I had to get in the shower twice. I can't do this this what do you do, or you do something else?
I have to shampoo in the shower. If I have to wash my hair where I have to hang my hair over, it will tangle. I need something like a shower so my hair stays straight back. It's annoying jumping in and out of the shower but I have no choice if I want to keep the tangles at bay.
well i'm not as used to this whole hair care thing as some of the other ladies who have been doing it for years are, but this is what i do.

I get in the shower and i wash my hair only, and then i apply my conditioner, and if i have to go and sit under the drier then i go do that (i still haven't washed my body though) i just wrap myself up with my bathrobe or whatever. Then when i'm done deep-conditioning, i get back in the shower, soap my body, scrub and whatever I need to do, and THEN i rinse my hair out.

if it's short conditioning, then i get in the tub, wash my hair, apply conditioner, step out and brush my teeth, or if i have to shave my legs too then i do that, and when i'm done (that takes at the most 10 minutes, cuz i take my time, lol) that's when i get in the shower, soap my body, and then i rinse my hair.

another suggestion would be to shampoo your hair in the kitchen sink, deep condition under the drier, then go shower and do what u have to do, and when u're rinsing your body, that's when you rinse your hair.

HTH :)
I don't deep condition using a hooded dryer, I just put the conditioner in my hair, put a shower cap on and let my body heat and shower steam do it's thing. I do not get out of the shower until I am finished.
That's too much in and out of the shower for me, If I wash my hair in the shower (which is rare) I shampoo, rinse, then wash my body (because I don't like the shampoo water running down my skin after I have washed up) then after I get out I drape a towel over my head so it can towel dry a little while I dress, I apply my conditioner and sit under dryer then I rinse it out in the sink. Baically the second thing Carlita advised.
CarLiTa said:
well i'm not as used to this whole hair care thing as some of the other ladies who have been doing it for years are, but this is what i do.

I get in the shower and i wash my hair only, and then i apply my conditioner, and if i have to go and sit under the drier then i go do that (i still haven't washed my body though) i just wrap myself up with my bathrobe or whatever. Then when i'm done deep-conditioning, i get back in the shower, soap my body, scrub and whatever I need to do, and THEN i rinse my hair out.

if it's short conditioning, then i get in the tub, wash my hair, apply conditioner, step out and brush my teeth, or if i have to shave my legs too then i do that, and when i'm done (that takes at the most 10 minutes, cuz i take my time, lol) that's when i get in the shower, soap my body, and then i rinse my hair.

another suggestion would be to shampoo your hair in the kitchen sink, deep condition under the drier, then go shower and do what u have to do, and when u're rinsing your body, that's when you rinse your hair.

HTH :)

Same goes for me.
I use to do this. Now I shampoo in the sink. After my final condition I rinse in the shower. shampoo (sink), deep condition (protein) hooded dryer rinse in sink, condition (moisture) rinse shower.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
That's too much in and out of the shower for me, If I wash my hair in the shower (which is rare) I shampoo, rinse, then wash my body (because I don't like the shampoo water running down my skin after I have washed up) then after I get out I drape a towel over my head so it can towel dry a little while I dress, I apply my conditioner and sit under dryer then I rinse it out in the sink. Baically the second thing Carlita advised.

I agree with you! (When I do wash my hair in the shower) I don't feel like I'm clean if I wash my body first and then shampoo, condition, and deep condition, and rinse. I want my hair to be finished first, and then I can wash my body in peace and not worry about hair products all over my clean body.
If I'm deep conditioning I'll wash my hair over the bath and put on the conditioner.
When I want to wash it off, I'll shower and rinse it out.
My hair gets tangled upside down so I like to do my final rinse standing up.
First I wash my face, ears, and neck.
Then I shampoo, apply deep conditioner and while my deep conditioner is conditioning I finish showering, then rinse my deep conditioner.
CarLiTa said:
well i'm not as used to this whole hair care thing as some of the other ladies who have been doing it for years are, but this is what i do.

I get in the shower and i wash my hair only, and then i apply my conditioner, and if i have to go and sit under the drier then i go do that (i still haven't washed my body though) i just wrap myself up with my bathrobe or whatever. Then when i'm done deep-conditioning, i get back in the shower, soap my body, scrub and whatever I need to do, and THEN i rinse my hair out.

if it's short conditioning, then i get in the tub, wash my hair, apply conditioner, step out and brush my teeth, or if i have to shave my legs too then i do that, and when i'm done (that takes at the most 10 minutes, cuz i take my time, lol) that's when i get in the shower, soap my body, and then i rinse my hair.

another suggestion would be to shampoo your hair in the kitchen sink, deep condition under the drier, then go shower and do what u have to do, and when u're rinsing your body, that's when you rinse your hair.

HTH :)
Yep, that's what I do. I don't mind it either.
This is so funny because I thought everyone washed their hair in the shower! Well, I shampoo first, condition and then wash my body while the conditioner is on and shave or whatever, then rinse and get out. Then I deep condition, sit under the dryer and then rinse under the shower again. To me it is so easy to do everything in the shower. My sinks are too little anyway and I feel it would be too messy. :cool:
Washing my hair in the sink = tangle city for me. I pretty much follow the same routine as Carlita. Very few tangles when I do it like this.
simplycee said:
Washing my hair in the sink = tangle city for me. I pretty much follow the same routine as Carlita. Very few tangles when I do it like this.
Ditto...I have to get in the shower twice, I dont mind, anything else and my hair gets SO tangled.
nita4 said:
I use to do this. Now I shampoo in the sink. After my final condition I rinse in the shower. shampoo (sink), deep condition (protein) hooded dryer rinse in sink, condition (moisture) rinse shower.

I do only the final rinse in the shower too.
CarLiTa said:
well i'm not as used to this whole hair care thing as some of the other ladies who have been doing it for years are, but this is what i do.

I get in the shower and i wash my hair only, and then i apply my conditioner, and if i have to go and sit under the drier then i go do that (i still haven't washed my body though) i just wrap myself up with my bathrobe or whatever. Then when i'm done deep-conditioning, i get back in the shower, soap my body, scrub and whatever I need to do, and THEN i rinse my hair out.

if it's short conditioning, then i get in the tub, wash my hair, apply conditioner, step out and brush my teeth, or if i have to shave my legs too then i do that, and when i'm done (that takes at the most 10 minutes, cuz i take my time, lol) that's when i get in the shower, soap my body, and then i rinse my hair.

another suggestion would be to shampoo your hair in the kitchen sink, deep condition under the drier, then go shower and do what u have to do, and when u're rinsing your body, that's when you rinse your hair.

HTH :)

I do that, too!
Babygurl said:
Ditto...I have to get in the shower twice, I dont mind, anything else and my hair gets SO tangled.

Me three! ... especially with 19 months of new growth. Everytime I try to do it different I ALWAYS get negative results. I don't mind hopping in and out of the shower. Get a nice plush cotton robe and it won't bother you ... makes you feel like you're in a spa or something.
I wash my hair, apply deep conditioner, put on plastic cap, shower. Get out to apply heat with my conditioner. Get back in the shower, rinse conditioner out of hair, rinse body off and out the shower I go.......
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I shampoo in the shower. Towel dry. Apply conditioner. Put on plastic cap. Wash body. Get out. Dry off. Put on clothes. Rinse out conditioner in the sink. Continue with hair. I figure that the steam from the shower would help it soak in.

Sometimes I shampoo in the sink, deep condition with bonnet dryer. Rinse out conditioner in the shower.
Yes, I get in and out of the shower a couple of times. Sometimes it's 3 times, if I do a hot oil treatment. I don't like pooing in the sink, because my hair would tangle too much.
AudraChanell said:
anyway, this is my question for those who only wash their hair in the shower ...

I am upping the ante on my hair care so I decided to shampoo my hair in the shower. Well, I had to get in the shower twice. I can't do this this what do you do, or you do something else?

I do a pre-wash tx b4 getting in the shower. When I am ready I get in the shower, rinse, then apply my moisturizing conditioner or dp conditioner tx. I let that sit while I wash the bod.Detangle w/ the shower comb, rinse out the hair, use body wash, to get any residue that may be left on the skin from the hair, and get out of the shower. I do this in under 20min. I used to do this get out and in junk, but I don't have time for that usually. Hope that helps!:)
I get in the shower twice. I shampoo, wash my face a body, rinse, do a baking soda rinse, get out apply cond and oil, sit under the dryer, get back in the shower to rinse and detangle. I do this 1/wk. :ohwell: I just figure it's the price of having nice long hair. :grin:
I do the wash, get out condition, get back in the shower rountine too, and it's tedious. But I recently bought a detachable shower head which lets me wash my hair without getting in the shower.
I used to wash my hair in the sink, and that for a long time, but now, can't do it: My hair got too long. I have to wash it in the shower. I wash it and detangle it better that way.
I can't do the sink thing either. My mom used to put me over the sink when I was younger and hair got tangled then and it would definitely get tangled today. I do the in and out shower thing, but I tried something different last night and got really good results. I was reading one of the posts on the plastic cap thing and I applied my home made deep conditioner mixture (few different types of conditioners, EVOO, coconut oil, coconut milk, jojoba oil, hot 6 oil) on my dry hair last night and put a plastic cap on and slept in it. That way my hair had ample time to get moisturized and conditioned while I slept. When I got up this morning, I sat under the dryer for about 15 minutes anyway (probably wouldn't have made that big of a difference if I didn't) before getting in the shower to rinse the conditioner out. Got in shower, rinsed the deep conditioner out, shampooed, and then followed up with one of my conditioners straight from the bottle. I did a rollerset and I must say that my hair is very soft and feels very moisturized. Since I deep condition weekly, this will probably be my normal routine as opposed to jumping in and out of the shower, even though I don't mind it, b/c as someone else said, I just put on my big terry cloth robe while I'm sitting under the dryer w/the deep conditioner and have illusions of grandeur as if I am at a spa getting pampered!!!