Shower caps


New Member
Does wearing a shower cap a night help hair grow. Ok the logic behind this one is that the hair stays moisturized and I guess helps in some weird indirect way. So, I guess that would in turn answer my own question:grin:...
Has anyone tried this?
Like a plastic cap? Some ladies on here do that - "baggying the whole head." I tried it once or twice. It works, but my head felt like a sauna when I woke up. lol
I would think my scalp needs to air out and breathe instead of being housed in a sauna for an extended amount of time.
BTW, my hair was very damp. I think it wouldn't be so "misty" and warm if the hair was just well moisturized, rather than actually wet.
I wear a plastic cap at night 4x a week. I am in kinky twist and I am afriad that my hair will get too dry so I mist it a little with water put on some coconut oil and my plastic cap. Yes when I wake up it is still a little damp but by the time I go to work its dry. Where I live its hot 24/7 so I am not worried about the cold air and my hair.
I wear a plastic cap at night 4x a week. I am in kinky twist and I am afriad that my hair will get too dry so I mist it a little with water put on some coconut oil and my plastic cap. Yes when I wake up it is still a little damp but by the time I go to work its dry. Where I live its hot 24/7 so I am not worried about the cold air and my hair.

I do this as well. I mist lightly with diluted conditioner spray and then I seal with oils. I put o the shower cap and am currently awaiting miracles:lachen:
I baggie my ponytail sometimes and the ends always feel so good. I put some EVOO on and put the plastic bag on w/ pony holder to keep bag on and leave on while I nap. I've done the whole head and my hair was a wet mess (moisturized but too wet).
I baggy my whole head overnoght if my hair feels really dry.

most times i wont add anything but of late my hair has been very dry so i spray some moisturiser, diluted s-curl.

if it comes out a bit wet i just seal and style as usual. but most times if i dont add product it is fne.
Sometimes! When my hair is really dry, I slap on some olive oil and "grease" my scalp with BT, and LR, and MTG mixed together. And then I put the cap on and go to sleep. When I get up I have nice moisturized :lick: hair that is a tad damp, but after it dries a little, I can flat iron and it looks beautiful and shiny!
Does wearing a shower cap a night help hair grow. Ok the logic behind this one is that the hair stays moisturized and I guess helps in some weird indirect way. So, I guess that would in turn answer my own question:grin:...
Has anyone tried this?
To make it grow? Ummm no, never thought that'd make hair grow. But to keep it moisturized? Ohhh yes!

I absolutely love baggying my whole head, been doing it since I first became natural. Used to do it every night or every 2 nights, but I've gradually gotten to where I only do it when I'm wearing twists in my hair to keep the twists moisturized. Yes it'll be a bit damp, but that's to be expected for my hair anyways.
To make it grow? Ummm no, never thought that'd make hair grow. But to keep it moisturized? Ohhh yes!

I absolutely love baggying my whole head, been doing it since I first became natural. Used to do it every night or every 2 nights, but I've gradually gotten to where I only do it when I'm wearing twists in my hair to keep the twists moisturized. Yes it'll be a bit damp, but that's to be expected for my hair anyways.

I wear my a wig when I'm out and if I spritz my hair with moisture it's almost the same as the baggy or shower cap method.