Shout out to Mermaid!


New Member
I hope Mermaid's not angry for shouting her out but her hair is amazing.
Mermaid, I just saw your album updates and your hair is lovely! Your hair is growing fast! :) Do you mind if I ask what is your regimen?
Whoa! What a surprise!! Thanks!:D
Honestly, I went through a few different technics, products and regimes over the past couple years on this board and while some things did work and some did not, I realized that for my hair the best thing was to do as little as possible. Once I stopped obsessing over the hair and just let it grow, I noticed that if pressed straight it was getting caught in my armpit and tickling my arms!
I went through a brief PJ phase that in the end didn't do much but relieve me of money and take up space in my bathroom with products but I KNEW that before I went through all that, my hair grew fine but my problem was breakage which meant I had to increase moisture and cut down on heat, so I did.
I decided on washing every day with Pantene R&N shamp and cond., then make a lotion of Pantene R&N Oil Moisture Creme and Proclaim Hot 7 (or however many oils is in it, lol!) , run it through my wet hair concentrating on my weaker areas (temples and crown) then just pull it back into a ponytail while wet and go about my day letting it dry like that. After I read Midnitecurls' website and saw she liked Dove products, I decided to try it and my hair responded very nicely to it, so that is what I have been using now, but I did blow dry a few days ago (first time in more than a year) because it is getting too cold here to go about with a wet head.
I drink a lot a fluids during the day, mainly water but boredom will kick in and I need flavor so I go for 100% juice, then less than 100% juices if the other isn't available, and sometimes pop if the mood strikes, but it's not too often.
I have stopped double process coloring my hair to the very light blonde colors (since it was the only chemical in my hair, it could handle the double process, but bleaching thins the shaft and leaves it vulnerable), but I make no promises that I won't do it again sometime as I love the colors and experimenting creating blonde tones and highlights to work with my skin tone. Umm, I still have to color to cover greys:mad: ..
Like I said, the most important thing for me was to leave it alone as much as possible; I rarely press it anymore, I do keep moisture in it, it has been natural for more than 10 years so I have to combat curls that curl back into themselves and create tangles so gentle is the key when I have to manipulate it- and I must not abuse it with heat- braids help alot to develop the habit of little manipulation.
I feel like I rambled too much and didn't give much info, but seriously, less(as in products and handling) is more!
That's some very noticeable progress. It looks like Mermaid's hair is twice the length it was in 2004. The thickness and health are right there, too. Very nce progress. Congratulations! Thanks for shouting her out, Sazzy4Evr.