Shoulder Length or longer no -lye users?


New Member
Are there any no-lye users with shoulder length or longer hair? It seems like all the longer haired ladies use lye relaxers. And I read on Robin's site that you cant grow your hair with no-lye....whats that about???? my hair is growing (1 inch from brastrap), but still breaks sometimes and the hair looks weird in some places... Could this be what Robin is talking about?? or could it be from something else...
adrienne (past brastrap), peachtree, myhairsos, zanna (waistlength), my own twin sister (shoulder blades) and countless others all used nolye to grow the hair. shamboosie and hairlady have bad things to say about nolye but testimonies prove them wrong. there are many exceptions and that should tell you it depends on the hair and how well it is taken care of!
What Pandorda said it true...

some people have no problems growing healthy hair with no-lye relaxers but I found that for me when I stopped using no-lyes and started using lye my hair did a 180 degree turn around and has been looking and feeling 200% better. You just have to guage it for yourself...if you are not having any problems with no-lye then stick with it if you don't wanna try the lye. No-lye relaxers tend to dry the hair out though.



I started out using Motions regular LYE relaxer, but found that this was too harsh for my hair and scalp and I have been using Elucence relaxer since December and this relaxer has been great so far. But I think when I have used up the rest of my elucence (bought the tub which I take to the salon with my other things) I am going to use affirm relaxer because I gather that this is the best out there and I would think it is because all the other affirm products (which I use) are fabulous.


My mom originally relaxed my hair with no-lye and that's what I used until maybe 3 years ago. My hair was always between shoulder length and bra strap length. With the lye relaxer I retain more of my natural curl/wave pattern. No-lye always got my hair bone straight, even with the mild. I think it's all about what is the best option for your hair. My mother has an extremely sensitive scalp, so in her case no-lye is better. I have a friend with shoulder blade length hair and I apply an African Pride no-lye relaxer to her hair, because that is what she prefers. So it is definitely possible.
I've used no-lye relaxers for as long as I can remember and up until my braid fiasco my hair has always been past my shoulders (maybe an inch above bra strap). I tried a lye relaxer a couple of months ago (motions oil relaxer in mild)and it didn't produce favorable results for me so I switched back to no lye and my hair is doing(and growing) just fine, right now I'm about an inch or two past shoulder length.
Yes, that's right. I still use a no-lye besides the fact that I wanted to change. I am scared to change since I self-relax, and since what I use (no-lye kiddie relaxer Beautiful Beginnings)is not bad at all. I am not relaxed bone straight but it works for me, my hair is healthy, well moisturized, it doesn't break of fall out.
Well, I have 4a hair. I've always used no-lye relaxers, and my hair reaches the bottom of my bra strap.
My hair is about 3 inches from bra-strap and I use Affirm No-Lye. I haven't used a lye relaxer since I was a kid. My sensitive scalp can barely stand the Mild Affirm so I can just imagine what a lye relaxer would do to it!!!
I switched to lye because the no-lye made my hair feel dry even when soaking wet. Almost like their was a calcium deposit after neutralization....
wierd. Also, it left my hair too straight. It seemed as though my hair would already be straight before i started to smooth it and would take a couple of weeks to get the body back! lol Lye relaxers don't relax as quick so I have more time to work with it but whatever works for your own hair stick with it.
what pandora said is true. i only switched to the Affirm lye last november. until that time, i had been using Dark & Lovely no lye. that could have been robin's experience with no lye relaxers. everyone is different though.
I relax with no lye and my hair is about 2 '' past shoulder length in the back. I dont notice anything bad with the condition of my hair, except that it is very dry, so I have to moisturize all the time.
I've had a no-lye relaxer for almost ten years now, and my hair is and has always been below shoulder length. I don't experience the dryness or breakage associated with no-lye relaxers.
I've been on the lye for about 2 years now, but before that I was on no-lye forever and my hair was past shoulder length. Besides this fact, I still believe lye is better for the greater good unless you just have super-strong and moist hair.
Hi Gvsugirl,
I've been relaxed for 18 yrs; all have been No-Lye products. I've never had a problem with hair not growing... the longest it's been was a few inches from waist length... the shortest was a "Halle Berry" do (the cut she sported in the movie "Strictly Business")....Through it all, again, I had a no-lye..... that grew, & still does!!!

Wishing u much hair success.

God Bless,