Should your hair be shorter as you grow older?


Well-Known Member

I am in my late 40's and so many people have been asking me if I'm going to cut or color my hair. I have some gray mostly in the front, and I have shoulder length/approaching APL hair. I don't plan on cutting it short or coloring it. My hair is healthier than it has been in a very long time and I can really appreciate it.
However it brings me to this question, how many of you feel that an older woman should have shorter hair? I happen to think that if you keep it nicely done and it's healthy then it really shouldn't matter if you choose to keep it longer. I don't think I will keep it much past APL just because that's about all that I can handle. I also happen to think that I look better with longer hair. I've had short hair and didn't like it for me. Besides, I feel a lot sexier with longer hair and I think that makes a HUGE difference. If you feel sexy as you get older-- hooray!
Please share your opinions. I'd really appreciate it.

I personally feel that's some bull***t someone made up one day :lol:

Why wouldn't long hair look great on an older woman?

I know I certainly don't want to age into a soccer mom. I want to age gracefully and sexily.

Not to say that women with short hair aren't sexy, but it seems like when you get older people expect you to roll over and shrivel up and just throw away all your sexy :lol:

Heck no, I've seen women more than twice my age work it better than I can :yep::lachen:

I also think that gray hair can be stunning. Some of the best heads of hair I've seen have pretty, silvery hair :yep:
Yes it should. I feel its more fitting for an older women in her 50s+ to have APL or shorter hair. But your 40 right now so it doesnt matter.:)
I don't believe your hair should be anything! What people SHOULD be able to do is wear their hair however they want. 'They' don't pay for the shampoo/ condish/ relaxer etc, so why should they dictate what your hair looks like?

Rock that SL/APL hair girl!!
It has to do with how you feel. My mom has kept her hair between APL and BSL for years; actually I don’t remember her with hair shorter than that. She’s past 50 right now and looks great just like she did when she was younger.
I love to see older women with short cuts, I think it makes them look younger. Have you guys seen Jada Pinkett's mom:


All in all it depends on the woman though.
Ok Jada's mom got some good genes, because she is not really ageing. I think low cuts look good on everyone, but I don't think that different hair lengths are age appropriate. I know I will keep my hair long, but When I get older, I probably will not want to deal with long hair, so will probably go shorter. It's probably more a practical thing if anything
No! :lachen:
I don't think so at all...
It depends on the quality of your hair, if the hair is very thin when you've passed menopause (it usually thins out a little around that time) it might look better shorter. But I'll keep my long hair as long as it looks good. I'm 37.
Keep your long hair :)
I think people say that because some women tend to put less effort into their hair as they get older. Let's face it long dry, damaged, abused hair is not attractive and looks old which can make the person look older. I also believe that he opposite is true healthy, shiny hair can add youth.

If a woman's hair is well taken care of and healthy I say go for it.
I think long hair can look sexy over 50, but layers IMO look better than blunt because they "lift the face". It's not cute to have a long straight blunt cut with jowls. On the flip side that Golden Girls still roller set short do ages you by default. Now you fit right in with all the other 60-70 somethings who wear the same style.
That does seem to be the way it usually is, doesn't it?

I once remember working with a nursing home patient (a black lady) who was so sweet and she had probably BSL (maybe longer) silver hair. I remember thinking how cute she was and how I would love to have hair that long when I was her age.

So my answer is no.
It depends. For example, my mom (who is in her 50's) has very very thin/fine hair, she recently let it grow pretty long. The ends were fairly thick but it's her roots that show all the thiness. Now that she has cut it short it looks much thicker.

However I've seen older ladies with long, thick and healthy hair and it is GORGEOUS! Especially when it is starting to silver!
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That's a cultural thing, imo. White women cut their hair as they age because that's just the cultural norm for them. Some Black women have also chosen to do the same. If you look at other cultures, women don't cut their hair as they age. I notice they just seem to choose easier hair styles, such as keeping their hair in a braid.

So, I think it's up to you. I'm only 22, but I don't plan on ever cutting my hair. :)
The older women I see with long hair appear younger, sexier, and exciting. Older women who cut their hair short look old and masculine, like there's nothing left to live for because their becoming older. I saw a much older woman (70s) who had long gray BSL that she wore in pigtails. I've had short hair before and I hated it. My hair will be long until the day I die. Keep your hair long if that's what you like.
I, like Neith, think that's a load of bullish. You should wear your hair however makes you feel and look your best, no matter what age you are, or what all the other ladies your age are doing, bottom line.

And considering long hair can easily be MADE to look short (wig, bun, updo, etc, etc.) it makes even less sense to me - just wear your long hair in styles that suit you.

Being blunt, I think the concept that all women over a certain age should dress a certain way possibly one of the stupidest 'rules' I've ever heard. As if once you pass a certain age, everyone starts to look, think, and live alike (which is the only way that one style would suit everyone best). :rolleyes:

Do you, no matter how old you are!

Personally, I want my hair to be longer than my 96 y/o great-gramma, who had hair to her behind, and looked fabulous. She was a shortie too, so she broke two 'rules'. :rolleyes: