Should I try to straighten it out first?? (long)


New Member
I have gone to a dominican salon in Marietta twice (for those in ATL not sure if it's actually considered Marietta or Kennesaw; but it's Majestriv on Barrett Parkway) but I felt comfortable enough with the stylist (Peaches) to let her clip my ends the second time. Well it's coming up time to get my relaxer and I won't be going back to let my brother do it; i will be going to the DS.

I will be wearing my hair out in flat twists the next couple of weeks and I am wondering if I should try to pull it back and let it air dry in a bun before I go just so she will be able to tell the NG from the twisted part. This may be a silly question but I just know it all feels pretty kinky to me and if I were getting ready to relax my own hair, with it like this, I wouldn't be able to tell which was which and I just don't want the stylist overprocessing and overlapping the relaxer.

Also, prior to my setting the appointment, is it o.k. to go by and ask her which brand of relaxer she will be using? I mean, is that politically correct?
I really liked Peaches. Both times she did my hair, she was showing me exactly what she was putting in my hair every step of the way and the 2nd time, I went on and let her blow dry all the way through after she took the rollers down (she really wanted to do it the 1st time, but I told her my hair couldn't take all the blow drying, just to flat iron the roots)....So when I let her blow dry it the 2nd time, she was really gentle and there was no tugging or anything like that, but she was looking for the vote of approval after I looked in the mirror and even though it was bouncy, it looked kind of straggly b/c of my ends (hadn't been trimmed since August)....

I told her so and she asked if I wanted her to clip them. I told her that it was o.k. and I would let her get them the next time since the owners had already taken my debit card and closed the register and I only had cash for her tip. She clipped them for free! And after she clipped them, my hair did look much nicer!!

Sorry so long, but back to my original question....Should I try to straighten my hair out a little before I go and is it o.k. to inquire about what kind of relaxer she will be using? (won't be getting a blowout this time; just a rollerset)

I can answer the 2nd question.... by all means yes! It's your hair and your money so you should be able to have all questions answered to your satisfaction as to what's being used on your hair. My current stylist is so open about it she convinced me that if u have a stylist who is reluctant to share that info it's time to look for someone else. HTH.
juicy555 said:
I can answer the 2nd question.... by all means yes! It's your hair and your money so you should be able to have all questions answered to your satisfaction as to what's being used on your hair. My current stylist is so open about it she convinced me that if u have a stylist who is reluctant to share that info it's time to look for someone else. HTH.

Thanks juicy........Yeah, I don't think Peaches will have a problem with that since she openly volunteered all the product names and what they were for as she was putting them in my hair, so I'll ask her (just wanted to know how most people felt about it since I have heard of people getting perms put in their hair from tubs with no labels) but my main concern was with the straightening part.....

Thanks girlie!
I stopped by the salon today to ask Peaches about the kind of perm she uses and the owner, who Peaches speaks highly of and says she can "lay down some hair" was there and told me Peaches is out of town for a family emergency and doesn't know when she would be back.

So I told her Peaches had done my hair twice and I was stopping by to possibly schedule an appointment for a perm but wanted to know what kind they used. The only thing she said was "very good ones; very good ones; we use very good products." Then she told me I could schedule an appt. with her or either some girl she pointed to in the back that I have never seen before. The owner has been in there each time I have gotten my hair done but I am sure she sees so many people that she does not remember be but she was looking at my hair kind of crazy and I was trying to tell her that it's just 15 weeks post relaxer and not natural (it's like the flat twist out picture in my album, but right now it looks a little fuzzier, frizzier, and much more nappier). I am just worried about her doing a chemical process on my hair with her never having worked with my hair before.....I am kind of nervous about going through with the appt.
Don't know what to do:confused:
I probably would wait for Peaches or go back to your brother. I am funny about my hair and only certain people can provide me with certain services. You hair is long and healthy looking and its not worth jeopardizing on a hairdresser that won't even give you the specific name of their relaxers.
I would wait too. Not too keen on the idea of having anybody but chemicals in my hair--I only have one stylist that does that.

Plus---hopefully Peaches will tell you what kind of relaxer she will use--that's crazy not telling the customer what they will be using on their hair if asked...
Yeah, that's the answer I was afraid of (but glad to hear).....The fact that she has never "worked" on my head was my first concern. Peaches has done it twice.....Then the fact that she only says "we have very good products" and gives me no names......

I will give a person a chance to mess up a wash and set, but I just shudder in my pants when I think about a chemical process gone wrong.:eek:

The only thing with my brother is that the last time he did my relaxer in December, I don't know exactly what happened, but when it was all over and done with, I had breakage in a few areas in my head (that I know occured during the application process); like there were areas where there were maybe 10 hairs or so that were broken down to the demarcation line or actually where my color was growing out or just even random breakage of hairs. It had never happened when he has done my relaxer for the past year and a half (and he has been doing hair for over 15 years) so I was just really nervous about him doing it again.

She said Peaches would be out for the rest of this week so I hope she will come back next week cause I have until the 5th to get it done........