Should I Surge?


New Member
I've listened to (or read) the discussion go back and forth about surge. I am so confused. I think I'm ready to try it but I'm afraid of some of the side effects I've ready about. Are those complaints about burning scalps and breaking hair the norm, or is surge a generally safe product? I need some feedback on this one. I don't know what to do. Note: my hair is relaxed and about two inches from shoulder length. I think I have 4a/b type hair, but the more I deal with my hair, the less I'm sure about that.
I was VERY reluctant to use Surge because of some of the things I heard about it and my scalp is sensitive. I decided to try it. I must say I have not had one problem with it. I started using it after I wash my hair ( I condition wash every other day). I did this for a week and didn't have any reactions. The next week I used it once a day on my scalp only. Still no bad side effects. The third week I started to notice the change in the hair in my nape area (this is the reason I decided to try it). It was softer and fuller I could tell it was growing.

I have been using it a little over a month and I still have not had any problems. I use it twice daily on just my scalp and use moisturizer on my new growth. I was very suprised I had no bad reactions. Try it.
Brismon, IMO nobody can tell you what you SHOULD do. You have all the feedback, positive and negative on Surge. It's now up to you to make up your mind what you should do. I am saying this because as an adult, I don't understand the need to be told what one should ultimately do. And I mean no offense.
Being a very cautious person when it comes to my we say paranoid!...I had some serious reservations and concerns and so I asked specific questions and read through all the posts to hear the good bad and the ugly and I asked myself, ....armed with what I now know, which includes how to overcome the I willing to take a chance on this product? My major concern would be an allergic reaction, any possibility of scalp damage and what proactive methods I could take to overcome or counteract any problem. I believe if I have no proof of a possible allergin to me personally, and if I moisturize following the application and take steps to keep all of my scalp and hair shaft moisturized this is workable for me. So then I just went for it!!! Trust me, my little antennae are just a vibrating and I am tuned in to the slightest quiver of my scalp and any signals from my hair that we may be developing a problem. I am not spraying it on the length of my hair because I do henna treatments and the V-ends treatments following my nightly moisturizing with Curl Activator and Moisturizer with silk aminos. Love this stuff!!! My goal is to achieve no less than 2" per month, but I do not expect the product to do all the work. If I do not develop any reactions that I feel could be threatening to my health, scalp and hair....I plan to use up my 2 bottles. If at the end of that time I am close to or am achieving my goal, then I will continue. You will have to make your own choice, but I would suggest that if you do you keep a detailed daily journal for one month minimum to judge for yourself if it is worth it or not...and moisturize, moisturize moisturize. Personally, I section my hair from the bottom of the ears back, and spray the scalp in each small parted off section, then I moisutize the scalp area with emu oil and then down the full length of the hair shaft. Then I apply the Curl Activator. Once this all complete, I apply the emu oil to the remainder of the hair that was not in the "surge" and then I apply the moisturizer. I pin all the sections up into bantu knots, so that I can do the second daily application. The next morning I will do a light shampoo or conditioner wash and rinse and begin again. If necessary I will cut back to once a day or to every other day
. In other words I will tweak the regimen. Whatever the case, I will be very honest in my results and outcome, with this board. Hope this helps. Bonjour
I was very paranoid/cynical too but I bought some surge this week. It is a very good product but my scalp does feel a bit itchy so I will cut back to once a day. (yes I am following the directions) It makes your new growth really soft and I know this sounds ridiculous but I swear my hair has grown a bit this week. Maybe it is just a coincedence and it went on a growth spurt but it is definitely a little longer !!
hmm..i was wondering about using it also...i'm wearing microbraids to help me transition and wouldn't be able to wash my hair frequently...i do however use a scalp cleanser by Cream of Nature that i apply once or twice a week...what exactly are the instructions on the surge bottle...would it be okay if i just applied it to my scalp along w/ wgo and then use the scalp cleanser once or twice a week?
I have been using Surge on my scalp while in braids and so far it's been fine. No allergic reactions or anything like that, coming from someone who has a sensitive scalp. When I first started using it, a noticed a slight tingling sensation. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, and it didn't last long, maybe the first couple uses. I wash my hair once a week and rinse a couple times in between. I don't think it would hurt to try it as long as you pay close attention to how it's working.
I just started Surge today. I am dong the 14 day challenge as it says on the bottle. I have posted some pre Surge pics.
I appreciate the positive feedback I've gotten. Some responses were a little hostile, I mean I really wanted to find out a little info. Of course I'll have to make my own decision but I assumed that this forum was to share information. Anyway, thanks for the responses, especially those who took the time to pm me. Thanks!!!
I do not think that the ladies meant to be hostile.
I think their concern could have been that if anyone of us said "yes girl...go for it try it..."and anything did not go well for you...if you had negative results that you attributed to the "Surge" and your hair or scalp suffered,...
... you would blame us
and we do not want to ruin good relations. So please do not take it as hostility. I think we all feel though that we do not want to take personal responsibility for someone else's decisions when it comes to this product... because we are liable to held accountable and be blamed
by e-r-rybody you know and all dey friends too.
so everybody is just saying
Mahalialee4 said:
I do not think that the ladies meant to be hostile.

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I saw no hostile comments at all. Hmm.
My point was NOT THAT THEY WERE UNINTENTIONALLY, but that they did not even have the INTENT TO BE!!! I did not personally perceive any of the comments as hostile. HTH Bonjour
Of all the responses I recieved only ONE seemed a bit rabid to me. I am a grown woman who is capable of making my own decisions. I also fully realize the limitations of the forum, in that I cannot hold anyone liable for anything I try based on what I've read on the forum. Perhaps I've come across as being irresponsible and needy in my posts. That was not my intention. I intent was to use the forum as it was intended: to get information about hair health and growth. I didn't have all the facts about Surge and wanted to find out more. Even in the (positive) responses I've recieved I've learned something very important. My impression was that Surge was a rinse out conditioner. But from what I've learned here, it is more of a leave-in type condition. Based on that, I know it won't work for me. Had I not been able to discuss this with you all on the forum, I wouldn't be able to get an idea of how it worked. I can't find Surge where I live. Please remember that we are all learning here. Incidentally, Jessy55, not meaning to offend DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU DON'T! That often used caveat " I mean no offense but..." does nothing to soften what follows. Please don't believe that making that statement excuses whatever follows. Yes, I am taking this a bit seriously but I don't taking a statement like the one made very lightly. That is one of my pet peeves. And besides, it was very insulting and condescending.
On a much more positive note, I was so pleased that Nonie "pm"ed me. That demonstrates the true spirit of the forum. We are all about lifting one another as we achieve or goals.
Brismom, I've been using surge for a week now and have had no problems so far. After I spray surge on my scalp, I follow up with S-curl--and idea I got from other members here on the board. Hope this helps!. And I just have to say myself--I felt Jessy55's post was pretty much unnecessary.....
Brismom, you are right and I agree with alot of what you said. We are here to learn better hair care and if I can help you in any way I will. You asked about Surge and I would like to tell you about my experience. I have been Surging for about 2 months and love the results. My last relaxer was Oct 22, 2003. I use my Surge twice a day and do daily co washes. I am now in braids due to so much new growth. I spritz with a distilled water, glycerin, jojoba oil, and castor oil mixture ( I do this at night). I take my vitamins faithfully everyday, not just for hair care also general health. Since visiting this site I have learned so much about hair. My next touch-up will be in April. It is hard but I am determined to make it. Let me know if you need more advice. The majority of us are helpful, please don't let one comment get to you. Hold your head up and keep moving on with your goals. By the way I have four inches of new growth and growing.
Brismom, I apologize if I offended you. I can assure you that this was not my intention. I was assuming that everyone has read the Surge threads of the past 2 months, along with the numerous pros and cons, and I felt at this point, there was enough info on the site for someone to make up their mind one way or another.

I guess the title, Should I Surge? threw me off. Surge is a controversial product, I have seen threads where people have been criticized for recommending Surge, threads where those who have recommended Surge have expressed remorse for doing so, and threads where those using Surge have said they regretted using it. Because of this, I firmly believe this is the kind of product that people use at their own risks and that no one should tell someone that they "should" use it. This is all I was trying to say. And I apologize if I came across as insulting and condescendent. Perhaps it would have been better if I had directed you to some of the previous links and threads on the product showing the pros and cons. I'll know better next time.
Well all is wonderful in LHCF land. I feel all of the love. The real issue is that I am haveing a few dryness and brittleness issues and I thought I had solved that problem. I am on a mad search for something that could help. I'll keep searching.
You guys are all awesome!

I love it that we can put things aside and move forward!

I was doing a search and came upon this thread and was so pleased the way we can get pass things and not hold grudges!

Too bad this is not always the case in the real world or on other boards!

Love to all!
sithembile said:
For those who've used it on their hair, has it minimised breakage?

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For me, very much so
Well no more surge for me -- I only made it 9 days !!!
I'm mad cos it is a good product and I know I woud've seen results but my scalp can't handle it - not even once a day. Tonight I have had a nightmare headache and so that is it for me. (I have a life to live!!)
But it wont go to waste cos BF is using it

Anyway Brismom you could try and see for yourself cos everyone is different and plus it only costs $7