Should I straighten my roots...


New Member
before trimming? I straightened my hair three weeks ago, and was planning to get it trimmed. My schedule/stylist schedule kept conflicting. I finally have an appointment to get my hair trimmed today.

Since it's been three weeks and I am natural, my roots are kicking. lol The reversion has my hair back at BSL. Should I try to straighten my roots before getting my trim? I'd hate for my hair to be uneven.
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No advise to give (sorry). Just wanted to let you know that you are one of my biggest hair idols..... That siggy pic is GORGEOUS!
Ediese I don't have any advice either, sorry, but I do have a question. :) I'm 16 months post today and plan to straighten my hair 1x a month this fall/winter. I straightened it last week (for the 2nd time since starting my transition) and will probably wash it this weekend. My question is how in the world do you keep it straight for 3 weeks at a time without an itchy scalp?? My scalp is already itching so that's why I feel the need to wash it. I would love to get 2 or 3 weeks out of my straight style, because reversion hasn't been an issue but my scalp is starting to itch after about a week of wearing it straight. Please let me know! TIA!!
Straighten your roots for styling...don't cut....ouch!!!!! Are your ends split or you like to keep it even across?
My vote is for yes, you should straighten your roots. I'm not natural, but isn't it best to cut freshly washed and freshly straightened hair? I know when I'm past 8 weeks post my hair looks shorter than it actually is.

ETA: Never mind about the freshly washed/freshly straightened. I just saw your other thread.
Yes, I would. My shrinkage and puffing of the hair makes it uneven look at first glance.
I love your hair like it's mine...:lol:
I straightened 3 weeks ago and haven't washed yet. lol It's still straight, but the first 1-3" have reverted.

oh ok.. I was thinking that you would just straighten the roots and leave the rest curly :rofl:
Yeah, I think it makes sense to straighten them.
Ediese I don't have any advice either, sorry, but I do have a question. :) I'm 16 months post today and plan to straighten my hair 1x a month this fall/winter. I straightened it last week (for the 2nd time since starting my transition) and will probably wash it this weekend. My question is how in the world do you keep it straight for 3 weeks at a time without an itchy scalp?? My scalp is already itching so that's why I feel the need to wash it. I would love to get 2 or 3 weeks out of my straight style, because reversion hasn't been an issue but my scalp is starting to itch after about a week of wearing it straight. Please let me know! TIA!!

Lol I'm not sure if I'll do this again. My scalp isn't itchy, but it's flaky. I've only been using argan oil every other night and pin curling it.

Straighten your roots for styling...don't cut....ouch!!!!! Are your ends split or you like to keep it even across?

Yep, I'm trimming to get rid of my splits. I'll have her assess the extent of damage when I get there.
Yes - I think you should - the shrinkage would probably make the cut uneven and that eliminate unnecessary pulling (lack of a better word) in order to gauge the cut.

I always flat iron my DD's hair before trimming...
Just got back from the salon. I got between 2-3" trimmed. She showed me how much was split, and asked how much I wanted to take off. I told her to just get rid of it. I'm okay with that decision because I know it'll grow right back. With the reversion, I'm at BSL. I won't know for sure until I straighten in a few months.