Should I relax if my hair is shedding?


Well-Known Member
I Stopped using my Nioxin vitamins about 2 months ago because the price went up tremendously on Amazon. Since then I started to experience a lot of shedding. About 3 weeks ago I tried using Biotin (7500mg) to replace the Nioxin. Lastly, I started using Euphoria and Bliss Oil (Bliss Du Jour: contains MegaTek).

My hair is shedding really bad. Idk what the problem could be and I don't know what I should do. I started taking Garlic Pills internally (200mg) twice a day along with my Women's One A Day.

I want to relax this weekend but I'm scared I will loose more hair. Should i do it?

Another thing. I haven't put heat on my hair for 2 months now. During those 2 months I'm either wearing a bun or braid out (which I leave in for a week without combing or manipulating).

I gave myself a light protein treatment about 2 weeks ago and a heavy one 4-6 weeks ago.

I leave my hair moisturized and lately have been sealing with castor oil.

I don't use protein in my hair weekly. I deep condition with ORS Olive Oil Hairasque
Bump for you...I personally don't base my TU on shedding, unless there was a level of shedding that was unnatural indicating a health issue. Breakage would be another matter.
try a tea rinse to see if that will help with the shedding. how many weeks post are you? do you see your hair getting thinner from the shedding or have you noticed any bald spots? also it sounds like your hair hasn't been fully detangled.
For me personally my shedding increased when it was time for a relaxer and stopped after I got one but your hair could be different from mine
Ladies, would the fact that she doesn't comb her hair have any impact on the amount of shed hairs that she is seeing? Could it just be shed hairs from weeks of not combing?
try a tea rinse to see if that will help with the shedding. how many weeks post are you? do you see your hair getting thinner from the shedding or have you noticed any bald spots? also it sounds like your hair hasn't been fully detangled.

shortdub78 No bald spots yet. My hair doesn't feel thin because i air dry a lot. Plus...i haven't put heat in my hair in 2 months now so i wont know how thin my hair really is.
trendsetta25 I would recommend putting garlic powder (a generous amount) in your DC and leaving it on for a few hours to overnight. This helped me immediately when I had a really bad case of shedding once.
My hair has been shedding alot for almost a year now. I take extremely great care of my hair, and take vitamins.... I FINALLY found out the cause of the shedding was due to stress and me having insomnia and not getting proper sleep, I take Ambien for it sometimes. It sounds like you are taking good care of your hair so maybe the shedding is caused by something physically going on with your body...... Poor diet, depression, stress, not sleeping, not enough water, too much alcohol, etc.
I had this problem in August of last year when I stopped using MSM. My hair was shedding badly. I bought some garlic conditioner from the bss which helped some but I still had huge amounts of shedding. I ended up going back on the MSM but at a lower dose and after a few weeks the shedding stopped.
Shedding is going to happen, sounds like you're seeing more than usual. I'm not a MegaTek user, but I could've sworn reading something about how using that increases growth rate but also increases shedding. This could be the culprit.

I use tea rinsing, garlic supplements and a garlic tincture (thanks to hairtrigger oil) in my moisturizing DC. Also, doing fewer shampoo washes and more cowashes helps me as well.

Relaxing now might ease the tension at your roots...less tugging....less pulled hair?
InBloom said:
Shedding is going to happen, sounds like you're seeing more than usual. I'm not a MegaTek user, but I could've sworn reading something about how using that increases growth rate but also increases shedding. This could be the culprit.

I use tea rinsing, garlic supplements and a garlic tincture (thanks to hairtrigger oil) in my moisturizing DC. Also, doing fewer shampoo washes and more cowashes helps me as well.

Relaxing now might ease the tension at your roots...less tugging....less pulled hair?

InBloom you were right! I relaxed yesterday and the shedding stopped significantly! It still shed of course, but not as bad as before. I will continue to tea rinse weekly.

Thanks all!!!