Should I let my stylist trim my hair?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I'm getting a relaxer tomorrow and the last time I went to the salon the stylist was feenin' to trim my hair. ("Look at these ends!") She didn't though - I think she forgot *lol* She knows that I'm working to grow my hair and everytime I come in she's always saying, "Glib, your hair is getting so long!" Let's assume for the moment that she is not interested in trimming in order to sabotage my progress and/or keep me reliant on her. Let's just assume that. Let's say that she really thinks that by taking off a *gulp* half-inch or so, that my hair will be healthier.

But I was thinking about it - virtually all of my hair has split ends all the way up. (I don't know if this is true for everyone, but for me it is.) Even my bangs have split ends. So, any trimming of my ends wouldn't *fix* the problem . . . .

I guess what I'm really asking is this: by NOT allowing my stylist to trim, am I stunting my own healthy, long hair growing goals?

(I am Type 4, C? relaxed hair.)

Thanks ladies! BTW, I apologize for this elementary question - yes, I've been one of Niko's cousins for almost three years now :lachen:
With this being the theme of many recurring threads lately, I'd have to say....


But if it's damaged and you're not sure get a second opinion.
If you have to ask then.....

Is a trusted friend or family member avail to do this for you since the fact that you ask this question says your trust in your stylist leaves something to be desired.

Can you trim yourself?

If tutorial self trim links is what you need we can drop them. Not a prob.
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Oh, I do not trust myself to trim my own hair :nono: Not by a long shot. I do think she will be sensitive and not turn it into a cut . . . I'm just feeling like my ends are looking raggedy . . .
I say no. I don't trust myself to trim either...but I WILL LEARN. In the midst of all these stylist horror stories I suggest you get a second opinion. If you feel it's not too risky then go ahead. I love my stylist, but I trust mysef more.
I am getting my hair trimmed in Feb by my stylist, I have called her already and let her know, DOn't cut it too much, just a trim, she goes DO I ever cut your hair if you don't ask. I trust her.

So to answer that question is do you trust your stylist? If so YES do trim, if not NOPE don't!
ends need to be trimmed regardless of what some may think, the thing is not to be scalped.

if you decide to let your stylist trim have her give you her hand mirror so you can watch her butt.

and to keep it simple tell her to just do a blunt straight across cut, i call this the bootleg trim but it results in less hair being cut.

tell her you don't want a pro cut, where they go section by section which most stylists seem to get their happiest with the scissors = too much hair cut.

freshly trimmed ends when done properly result in healthier looking hair, and yes it does grow right back. avoiding trims results in scraggly ***** ends in the long run.

you just have to be stern and watch the person with the scissors.
I would personally say yes only if you trust her word. If you are really paranoid then tell her to only cut 1/4 of an inch and make sure you are watching her hands with the scissors like a shot gun to your head which she is cutting. :lol:
I would go with a NO. But, I will say you need to go to master cuts, cost cutters or something and ask for a trim with JUST the ends cut off...
I find they do a better job than my stylist...regardless of the stylist.
Okay I let her do a trim - just took off quarter of an inch and my hair does look healthier for it. Now the goal is to protect those ends!

Thanks ladies! :yep:
I say let her trim, however before she does show her how much you want taken off. If you have to use your fingers to show measurement or draw it on a piece of paper but give her a visual of how much you want off. Also after she makes the first snip have her show you how much she removed.
see wasn't as bad as you thought, you can't let trimming horror stories of others scare you into neglecting your strands/trims.

just set a schedule to get frequent trims during the year, see if you can go 3 months and keep your ends healthy and moisturized. your hair will thank you for it.

because what happens is the longer you wait the scraggly ends move up the shaft and sometimes that's what causes women to have to cut more than they anticipated.

it's happened to me in the past and for this year and forward I will stick to trimming my hair on the regular.

Okay I let her do a trim - just took off quarter of an inch and my hair does look healthier for it. Now the goal is to protect those ends!

Thanks ladies! :yep:
Okay I let her do a trim - just took off quarter of an inch and my hair does look healthier for it. Now the goal is to protect those ends!

Thanks ladies! :yep:

I'm glad you let her trim your ends. I used to never get my ends trimmed, and they split so bad at one point that when I finally told her to get rid of all the splits, my hair went from a little past shoulder length to mid-ear length, this was maybe 2 1/2 - 3 yrs ago. Since then I've been very protective of my ends, and have not had anymore issues. My stylist rarely even trims, and when she does it's barely noticable. Kudos to you!!
^^ yup that's what happened to me, I ended up with a damn bob but from not trimming on the regular. then I had the nerve to be mad at the stylist, but truth was my ends were jacked up.