Should I laugh or cry?


Well-Known Member
1st Pic- I BC'd 2 years ago - scab hair after relaxing for over 2 decades.

Rest of pics- September-Dec 2009 I had regrown my hair to shoulder/collarbone length.


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Then after anemia, 2 major surgeries in 4 months and weight loss this happened:perplexed:sad::wallbash:


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So, after several weeks of scraping back the few strawns of hair I had left, I got fed up and just did this-

So now I am like:wallbash::sad::lachen::wallbash::lachen: Now I have to find some spray to cover the top of my scalp........................


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Your haircut is beautiful!

Yes, it is actually :yep:

I'm sorry about your setback but it seems your hair is coming back in nicely from what i can tell. How are you doing with your iron intake? Also, maybe you can put some makeup or something up there to cover in small patches you have.
Yes, it is actually :yep:

I'm sorry about your setback but it seems your hair is coming back in nicely from what i can tell. How are you doing with your iron intake? Also, maybe you can put some makeup or something up there to cover in small patches you have.

I will try that, thanks.
Nice bounce back. Your hair is beautiful. The texture and quality are coming in nicely.
I actually feel like crying now after waking up and looking at my big ol head in the mirror. I am in mourning. I know my hair was not long but I don't like it bald either. I hate not being able to scrape my hair back into a pony. Oh well. I hope I have a nice fro by August. ...........................Grow hair , grow.
Though I take iron tablets I'm still anemic but I am about to tackle the cause of the anemia so I am hoping I will not be anemic by the end of the year and I am so looking forward to that.

In addition to causing thinning hair/baldness, anemia really slows hair growth. I noticed that since I have been anemic my yearly growth went from 6" to 4" per year.

Your hair will grow back. Do you have anemia under control?
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Though I take iron tablets I'm still anemic but I am about to tackle the cause of the anemia so I am hoping I will not be anemic by the end of the year and I am so looking forward to that.

In addition to causing thinning hair/baldness, anemia really slows hair growth. I noticed that since I have been anemic my yearly growth went from 6" to 4" per year.

I'm anemic also and iron tablets really didn't work for me b/c I guess my body wasn't absorbing them. I take liquid iron now and I feel so much better.

Your haircut looks REALLY good on you. SERIOUSLY!!! have proved that your hair can/will grow...don't sweat it...This time around it will be seriously healthy! I applaud you just for dealing with the issues that you have been dealing with and coming through victorious...That's a MAJOR CONGRATS!!!!!!
Your haircut is beautiful. Compared to your first BC, you actually have texture!! Everything will work itself out for the better. Good luck on your health and hair goals!!
Can I ask you what kind of liquid iron you take? is it ferrous sulphate?

The name of the liquid iron is floradix. It has iron (ferrous gluconate which is non-constipating sorry if this TMI) plus some b-vitamins. As soon as I take it, I have energy so much so that I stopped drinking coffee. The iron tablets that my doctor prescribed caused me to lose appetite that I would only eat or drink once day and I still felt sluggish and loss of concentration. Then I went on prenatals but I still wasn't getting enough iron until I research about anemia and liquid iron and that where I found Floradix. It's been a lifesaver for me. You can find this online or at vitamin shoppe. Sorry for the long post and I hope this helps.:grin:
When life gives you lemons- make lemonade. Laugh. You are still here after 2 major surgeries. Your hair will grow back, it really will. Your haircut looks gorgeous on you.
I think if you can get your anemia addressed you should rebound nicely. I know what it's like to have something internal that messes with your growth rate. I think it is really important to do the things that you can so that your follicles can get the nutrients they need. Are you taking any vitamins or supplements besides iron?
Thanks for this I am going to try it.

The name of the liquid iron is floradix. It has iron (ferrous gluconate which is non-constipating sorry if this TMI) plus some b-vitamins. As soon as I take it, I have energy so much so that I stopped drinking coffee. The iron tablets that my doctor prescribed caused me to lose appetite that I would only eat or drink once day and I still felt sluggish and loss of concentration. Then I went on prenatals but I still wasn't getting enough iron until I research about anemia and liquid iron and that where I found Floradix. It's been a lifesaver for me. You can find this online or at vitamin shoppe. Sorry for the long post and I hope this helps.:grin:

Thanks so much! I do take vits.

When life gives you lemons- make lemonade. Laugh. You are still here after 2 major surgeries. Your hair will grow back, it really will. Your haircut looks gorgeous on you.
I think if you can get your anemia addressed you should rebound nicely. I know what it's like to have something internal that messes with your growth rate. I think it is really important to do the things that you can so that your follicles can get the nutrients they need. Are you taking any vitamins or supplements besides iron?
The name of the liquid iron is floradix. It has iron (ferrous gluconate which is non-constipating sorry if this TMI) plus some b-vitamins. As soon as I take it, I have energy so much so that I stopped drinking coffee. The iron tablets that my doctor prescribed caused me to lose appetite that I would only eat or drink once day and I still felt sluggish and loss of concentration. Then I went on prenatals but I still wasn't getting enough iron until I research about anemia and liquid iron and that where I found Floradix. It's been a lifesaver for me. You can find this online or at vitamin shoppe. Sorry for the long post and I hope this helps.:grin:


I take this stuff and I agree with - it's great. You can buy it from Holland and Barret for about 9 GBP and it lasts about a month and provides you with 50% of your daily Iron intake.

My other advice to you would be to also take some super green foods such as Chlorella and Spirulinsa not just for their Iron content but also bc they help with the production of RBC's as well as acting as 'adaptogens" i.e. they will seek to rectify imbalances in the body.


x Stella
The cut looks great!! Sorry to hear about the setback, but I have no doubt that your hair will bounce back better than ever.