Should I Invite the Boss?


Well-Known Member
I'm in a bit of dilemma ladies...

I work in a very small office (please note that I am not in the US). There are 17 of us here - half of us are black, half are white. The whites of course, cling to each other (including the boss). They gossip a lot and hang out with each other on the weekends. Every Monday morning they come in with stories of what they did over the weekend.

2 of the 'whites' have gotten married recently and of course they invited the boss. He even took pictures, while he was at the wedding and sent to the entire office. I have only been here 3 years, but apparently its the tradition to invite him to weddings.

My boss and I do not have this kind of relationship. It's strictly work related between us. It's a small office, but believe me, there are days when I do not see him...and that's by choice. Don't get me wrong, he's alright (I guess) but we just don't gel together on a social level.

I am inviting 2 of my co-workers, who I am close with to my wedding. I DON'T WANT TO invite my boss...

Number 1 - I'm going to be uncomfortable with him there.
Number 2 - He might be uncomfortable there as he (and by extension his wife) are going to be the only white faces there
Number 3- I would have to invite his wife and that would mean spending extra money (we are only having about 70 guests)

Of course, this is my boss we are talking about...he pays me. Not inviting him may affect me somehow down the road, and I really do not want to lose my job or hinder my progress over this.

Another co-worker who got married 3 years ago didn't invite him. However she did not invite any one at all from the office. I'm inviting 2....

What should I do????????
I would not invite him. I was wondering the same thing a few months ago. I chose not to because I really don't know him like that and I wanted friends and loved ones in attendance.
I don't see why you should be obligated to invite him. Esp since you guys don't have much of a relationship other than work based on what you originally posted. You don't have to mention anything to him IMO..LOL

I personally invited my boss because we knew each other from when I worked with her husband and we all hung out outside of work. Although I work for a big company, my branch only has 4 employees. I invited 2 out of the other 3 and that's because we get along and also hang out outside of work.
Don't invite him. You're not obligated to invite anyone you're not close to to your wedding. Think about it, he probably wouldn't invite you to his if he were marrying. Save the invitation for someone you actually like.
I'm real late to the party but NO don't invite him. Work is work and if you happen to have a personal relationship with coworkers and want them there that's your business.
Sometimes people think you just want a gift if you aren't close or have some type of personal interaction.

ETA: he won't attend anyway!
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