Should I have tried to start something with this guy?


Well-Known Member
I was going on a trip in May, and I went into Enterprise Rent-A-Car. When I walked in, this guy, C, saw me and proceeded to help me with my rental. He was really cute and asked me why I kept smiling. Anyway, we went to inspect the car, and he asked me who I knew in the state I was going to, why was I going, and I must be going to see my boyfriend. I told him that I was starting law school, that I was going to find a place to live, and that I wasn't going to see my boyfriend (although I didn't say I didn't have a boyfriend.) He said that I must know someone over there like a boyfriend or somebody. I said no. Maybe he was trying to see if I had a boyfriend.

Well, he followed me to my apartment to drop my car off, told me about his life goals, and I thought I'd see him when I got back to town. He wasn't there. :( I thought, "Well, that's the end of that, plus I'm moving far away." Then my daddy bought me a car, and I didn't need a rental. I took another trip earlier this month, and when I came back something was wrong with my car. Well, long story short, it was at the dealership for over a week. The other day I was having trouble getting a tag since I wasn't the person who bought the car, talking to all kinds of rude people on the phone, and just decided to get a rental car to go to work and not rely on my co-workers anymore. I had called Enterprise twice. The lady told me to call back later. Then I looked in the phone book again. I had been calling the wrong Enterprise. I called the one located near me, and C answered the phone. He was sooo nice on the phone. He didn't know who I was, but I knew who he was. I asked him if they'd come to pick me up. He said yeah. I was like, "Should I ask for you?" He was like, "You can ask for anybody, but if you want to ask for me, my name is C." :D Man, he is soooo sweet, but not in the gay sense.

So, I had a dilemma, should I ask for him or not? Well, when I called, I chickened out and didn't ask for him. Some new bald white guy picked me up, but as soon as I walked through the door C came out to assist me. Then he saw that I was there with Adam. When Adam and I went outside to look at the car, I heard someone coming up behind me saying, "She's not going to get it." It was C! He was telling Adam that I'm not going to pay for their insurance and that I'd use my own like I did in May. He remembered me! Then he said, "You're still here? I thought you were taking a job somewhere." Not exactly a job, but he remembered that I was leaving. Adam was like, "You know C?" I was like, "Not really. He helped me with a rental before."

Anyway, and that was the end. I thought I'd see him when I brought the car back, but it was raining hard. As I was getting out of the car to go in, he was getting into another one to leave. Should I have tried to keep in touch with him, in case we were ever in the same area at the same time again?
I don't know Adam. He's just the rental car guy.

And for me, it's hard to get guys interested, because seriously I look 12. So, the only people who know my real age are people who I met in school or this guy who had my driver's license. I don't get approached unless it's from someone who should be on To Catch a Predator. :ohwell:
I would be a little wary of C since he sounds so flirty :blush: Like over the phone, he was being all flirtacious and didn't even know it was you:spinning:. That's not such a biggy though and I think it would be OK to talk to C if you like..being cautious though as you would with any guy.
If you feel a connection, I say explore. Those things happen so few and far between.

Coffee is always safe. If you're afraid to ask him out on a date, ask him something like, "so do you drink coffee" most guys will get the hint, and take the invitation to the next level. They'll do the asking.
I would be a little wary of C since he sounds so flirty :blush: Like over the phone, he was being all flirtacious and didn't even know it was you:spinning:. That's not such a biggy though and I think it would be OK to talk to C if you like..being cautious though as you would with any guy.

She said he was nice, not flirty. I think you should call back up there, MissJ. Who knows... if you feel a connection you should go for it. I felt a connection when I first met my honey and I could have let things go, but I tracked him down and now we'll be getting married next month. So who knows?! :grin:
I don't know Adam. He's just the rental car guy.

And for me, it's hard to get guys interested, because seriously I look 12. So, the only people who know my real age are people who I met in school or this guy who had my driver's license. I don't get approached unless it's from someone who should be on To Catch a Predator. :ohwell:

LOL, I totally feel you on that... I also look young for my age. I think you should try to keep in contact w/C, you never know what might happen :yep:
She said he was nice, not flirty. I think you should call back up there, MissJ. Who knows... if you feel a connection you should go for it. I felt a connection when I first met my honey and I could have let things go, but I tracked him down and now we'll be getting married next month. So who knows?! :grin:

Yeah, I guess it was just my interpretation while reading. Thumbs up on meeting your honey!

OP: Hope I didn't sound discouraging MissJ. I just always like to know ladies keep their guards up. But definitely don't let it take away from the fun. I think it would be cool to get to know him proceeding cautiously as with anyone else.
I say no, but without getting into detail I personally had a bad relationship with an Enterprise guy. Keep in mind he will always be meeting females with that line of business.
I was going on a trip in May, and I went into Enterprise Rent-A-Car. When I walked in, this guy, C, saw me and proceeded to help me with my rental. He was really cute and asked me why I kept smiling. Anyway, we went to inspect the car, and he asked me who I knew in the state I was going to, why was I going, and I must be going to see my boyfriend. I told him that I was starting law school, that I was going to find a place to live, and that I wasn't going to see my boyfriend (although I didn't say I didn't have a boyfriend.) He said that I must know someone over there like a boyfriend or somebody. I said no. Maybe he was trying to see if I had a boyfriend.

This is just my opinion... nothing more, nothing less... but if a man comes at me like this, I'm automatically disinterested.

The lines I put in bold are straight-up GAME. Fools across the nation spit that crap... first, it's none of your business who I'm going to see and second, if you are interested, just ask me out anyway and then I can tell you whether or not I have a boyfriend and am interested in your offer.

Or why not just ask me DIRECTLY if I have a boyfriend and then if I say no, you can ask for my number? Why the game?

I agree with Integrity that if he was interested, he should have tried to track you down. You shouldn't have to try to keep in touch with him if he's sincere because he'll do it on his own.
He might have just been flirting for a sale. He could have gotten your number if he wanted. your going out of town, and about to start law school keep it breezzy if you see him again get his number (you can never have enough friends). but dont lose sleep over it.
Hey y'all. I'm moving, so I haven't been on in a few days. Yeah, I said he was extremely nice, not flirty. I did ask him if he was trying to make commission off me. He said that he wasn't and told me a story of when he rented a car and had to pay some money for a shopping car hitting it. :lol:

I was wondering if he was reluctant, because I did say I was moving. I was thinking of more keeping in contact as friends maybe via phone or e-mail. (I'm trying to get married in the next 3 years so keeping the options open).

I also have to add how frumpy I looked that day. I had an old afro puff, some army green cargo pants, and a Wonder Woman t-shirt. It was dress-down Friday. I was dressed nicer when I came back, and he went out of his way to come outside to speak to me (not that it had anything to do with the way I was dressed (jeans & top)).

Yeah, he works at Enterprise. He was an accountant there but didn't like sitting in a room all day. He says he likes interacting with customers. He's met some cool people, and this one guy is now mentoring him. He may take him up on some kind of job in finance or whatever that has him always commuting back and forth to Chicago.

Anyway, I don't see any reason why I would need to call Enterprise again. I'm too shy to pursue a guy, and I don't feel it's my place anyway. It may have been a missed opportunity, though.
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