I'm trending on agreeing with the other ladies with regard to "if you have to ask, maybe you aren't ready just yet". That and the overall uncertain tone of your post, leads me to think you may not have mentally settled on natural. Kudos to you for getting the BF perspective; how awesome (yay..happy dance) that he is on board should you decide to grow your fro. But I digress...
The decision to "go" natural is of course different for everyone, but I firmly believe that you know when its right for you and your life(style). I did a lot of research prior and during, I used that time to transition. The important thing to remember is that you don't have to make the decision right now, you don't even have to make it in the next 3...6...12 months, but until you make the decision EITHER WAY(insert Katt Williams voice here), you can rock the sew-ins that you love so much (if you so choose). Look on the bright side, should you decide to not transition to natural, in the VERY least, you'll have a long stretch (break from heat and other things you wanted to avoid) and (with proper maintenance) that can't hurt.
I love my natural hair. Period...dot. I love the thickness, the curl, the coil, the WAVES when I slick it back. I love not having to worry about when to scratch, IF to scratch, how deep to scratch...so I can relax. The best decision I made as far as my hair is concerned, was to put the relaxer down. I firmly believe that you can have healthy hair natural or relaxed, but for me, natural was better. Even with a TWA (hair is about 4 in stretched), I rocks it HARD!! PLUS< my hair is STILL long enough to do the Protective Styles I love, namely braids and weaves. For me its the best of both...but natural.
I learned that patience and research is key. I learned that the simpler I kept things, the better my hair faired. I learned that bandwagons regarding the latest products served no benefit to me, as it convoluted progress. I learned that fraternal twins Trial and Error, were my best friends.
Whatever you decide, you'll find support. PLEASE let us know what that is!! = )