Should I go get a corrective...again?


formerly qtslim83
I don't plan on doing it anytime soon, I'm only 4 weeks post. However due to a high protein/vits regimen, I already have 1 inch of NG!:giggle: I actually had braids in for a few weeks and removed them today b/c I noticed some breakage along my hairline:wallbash: However, as I look at my relaxed hair tonight I notice that I have a lot of underprocessed hair. The last 5 inches are straight, which is what I wanted, but everything else is texturized. I'm afraid to try the corrective again by myself, but I haven't been to a salon in 2 years! Honestly, I'm scared that as my hair continues to grow it's going to break off due to the textures. What should I do ya'll??! By the way TIA!:grin:
I don't plan on doing it anytime soon, I'm only 4 weeks post. However due to a high protein/vits regimen, I already have 1 inch of NG!:giggle: I actually had braids in for a few weeks and removed them today b/c I noticed some breakage along my hairline:wallbash: However, as I look at my relaxed hair tonight I notice that I have a lot of underprocessed hair. The last 5 inches are straight, which is what I wanted, but everything else is texturized. I'm afraid to try the corrective again by myself, but I haven't been to a salon in 2 years! Honestly, I'm scared that as my hair continues to grow it's going to break off due to the textures. What should I do ya'll??! By the way TIA!:grin:

If you already have the growth, i think its safe to relax in a few weeks.. plus you WANT to straighten the texturized hair, so even if you overlap it wont be such a bad thing. I would deep condition and rollerset or do a "straight style" just to make sure u already have 1 inch. If you do, i'd deep condition for two more weeks and go and get a corrective done.

Do you have a friend you trust that can help you out with the corrective? With the straight ends did you relax this hair yourself? If so, think back to what you did differently to save yourself from having to go over it again in the future.
Hmmmm... that's a toughie. How underprocessed is it?. Does it pretty much look like natural hair. How long is your hair?. I would do a protein treatment and a rollerset. I wouldn't do the corrective myself. I would go to a dominican salon. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't admit that I was self-relaxing to the stylist. It may just be me and I may just be paranoid, but for some reason it seems like they overprocess your hair when you tell them that. Maybe they feel like that don't have to try as hard b/c they can blame any errors on you and what you did at home. :ohwell:
Hmmmm... that's a toughie. How underprocessed is it?. Does it pretty much look like natural hair. How long is your hair?. I would do a protein treatment and a rollerset. I wouldn't do the corrective myself. I would go to a dominican salon. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't admit that I was self-relaxing to the stylist. It may just be me and I may just be paranoid, but for some reason it seems like they overprocess your hair when you tell them that. Maybe they feel like that don't have to try as hard b/c they can blame any errors on you and what you did at home. :ohwell:

:lachen: Yeah! I've learned my lesson. I did that last time and that bald headed lady ran the relaxer through w/ a comb:wallbash: My hair is past brastrap. the very ends look mostly straight. When I airdry, I notice this:


with the "^^^^^^^^" part having a 3b/4A texture. I want to begin rollersetting and I know that's going to be hard w/ the 2 textures.
If you already have the growth, i think its safe to relax in a few weeks.. plus you WANT to straighten the texturized hair, so even if you overlap it wont be such a bad thing. I would deep condition and rollerset or do a "straight style" just to make sure u already have 1 inch. If you do, i'd deep condition for two more weeks and go and get a corrective done.

Do you have a friend you trust that can help you out with the corrective? With the straight ends did you relax this hair yourself? If so, think back to what you did differently to save yourself from having to go over it again in the future.

Thanks for responding! I've airdried my hair after washing it, I can no longer see the parts. However, when I stretch the NG out, it's about an inch. I think I'll try and wait. I really wish I did have a friend I could trust w/ something like that, but I've been self-relaxing since I was 15. I just started w/ Lye relaxers 2 years ago which may be the reason why I have these 2 textures.
Yeah I'm having this same dilemma. My left part of my hair has straight roots/underprocessed mess/straight ends. Then the right side has straight roots and THEN underprocessed mess. Then the very front of my hair is straight to my liking. THEN the middle is like straight roots and underprocessed mess. My hair is a mess:lachen:
I'm planning to go to the Wellington Hair Spa in NYC to get my corrective done because I REALLY don't want anyone to mess my hair up (but it's so EXPENSIVE:wallbash:)
I wish I would have gotten a corrective earlier (when my hair was worse) because the different textures were was WAYYYYYY worse before but now it's better. My earlier hair stylist (erm...friend's mom) cut off about 2-3 inches of "dead ends" aka underprocessed hair cause they would make my hair look dead. It was whatever though cause they were split anyway...
I just need another one in some areas
So basically I'm saying...GET THAT RELAXER...maybe it's best that you get it now because they can just focus on the corrective parts. I would wait a couple more weeks so your scalp can heal (like 4)
Maybe someone else can tune in....(DONT DO ANYTHING RASH BASED ON ME) Make sure someone you TRUST does it