Should I get rid of these ends???


Well-Known Member
ok I am scissor happy and I used to trim with every touch up... almost
it took all my strength not to this time but my mom said my ends look terrible :lachen: she dissed me so bad lol
but since i used to trim so often im not used to my hair thinning out at the ends nor am i used to uneven hair but i figured id put growth before all that for once so that i can see growth
are these not close up enough to see my ends?
what do you all think?


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It looks uneven but that's not necessarily a bad thing. My hair is uneven, but I don't wear it straight so I don't mind.

Are your ends damaged or breaking? Are they causing you to have more problems with your hair (tangles)? Do you dislike the way they look? If so, then trim.

It doesn't appear super thin to me. But, you should figure out if your ends are breaking or if your shorter hairs just need time to catch up. Here's a post on Mane and Chic that may help you figure that out.
It looks uneven but that's not necessarily a bad thing. My hair is uneven, but I don't wear it straight so I don't mind.

Are your ends damaged or breaking? Are they causing you to have more problems with your hair (tangles)? Do you dislike the way they look? If so, then trim.

It doesn't appear super thin to me. But, you should figure out if your ends are breaking or if your shorter hairs just need time to catch up. Here's a post on Mane and Chic that may help you figure that out.

Thanks for the link MSA to the blog! I just learned something about my thin ends. LOL
It's uneven, but from the photo, it doesn't look damaged. It's not a close up though. If you have some damage or split ends, definitely trim it. Like msa said, depending on how you wear it, I would not worry about it being even now, as long as you are ok with how your styles look.
It depends on the person...If you wear more textured styles then don't worry about trimming right now...But if your wearing your hair straight most of the time ...I would say trim...

I personally trim whenever my ends start looking thin...And dust inbetween trims to keep my ends thick and healthy
I say Yes. Your hair will look healthier. Health over Length:yawn:

i agree. split ends can lead to more breakage. it's a small sacrifice, although i know it sucks..

OP didn't say her hair was unhealthy or had split ends.

I agree with the whole "health before length" mantra, I really do. But if her hair is healthy and just uneven, then the only reason to trim is because it will look better, not because it will somehow be healthier.
There appears to be a really long part in the middle that I would cut off and then shape up the rest. May as well do it now before it gets too long. It does seem as if your ends may not be split but your hair is very uneven and it is noticceable. SO the trim would be for looks, and then in the future just look at your ends and see if they are split if so, dust em'. Don't take too much advice on trimming from people outside the hair world because most of them trim way too much way too often. HTH!
I'm saying yes, shape up the back by getting rid of the ends. Your hair will STILL grow and at least it will grow even. Thats just my input =) Goodluck dear
I'm saying yes, shape up the back by getting rid of the ends. Your hair will STILL grow and at least it will grow even. Thats just my input =) Goodluck dear

Cutting the hair even doesn't guarantee that it will grow even. Assuming the hair is healthy and is just uneven, if OP decides to cut now, she may find herself in the same situation a few months from now. For some people, sometimes the hair has to play catch-up.

If I wore my hair straight, I would cut it, because I like thick ends when I wear my hair straight. If I wore my hair curled, I would probably wait until the shorter sides catch up.
Cutting the hair even doesn't guarantee that it will grow even. Assuming the hair is healthy and is just uneven, if OP decides to cut now, she may find herself in the same situation a few months from now. For some people, sometimes the hair has to play catch-up.

Thank you.

Even if all the hair on your head grows at the exact same pace, when you straighten it it's not all going to even with each other because of where it is placed on your head.
Thanks everyone, I don't wear my hair out, I actually wear a headscarf full time so nobody sees my hair except my family,
So maybe I'll see about getting a trim by someone that is NOT a hairdresser and won't give me a full hair cut. That has always been my experience with hairdressers, but I never minded, I'm addicted to the scissors...
sherifeh- just make sure that your hair isnt trying to catch up.....if you cut yout hair even it may grow back the same way then you will be cutting for nothing except to stunt your progress. Your hair looks really healthy and so do your ends...I wouldnt cut it!
I would, but just for aesthetic reasons... it doesn't look like your ends are split or straggly...just my personal opinion...
As far as I can tell, your hair looks healthy. Trimming now would just be for looks.

I would wait at least a couple of months to see if the rest of your hair is just playing catch up. If you trim it now, it'll look even, but you may have the same issue in a few months...
This is how my hair grows, uneven. I've cut the longer pieces in the nape area twice, just to end up in the same place again, uneven hair growth. You can see my longer pieces in my siggy.

All I did was cut off my progress. :ohwell: I would not cut especially since you don't wear your hair out.

Give the shorter pieces some time to catch up.
Hi ladies!
Thanks to those of you that replied! I can't post pictures because I'm in the hiding hair challenge until december but i recently relaxed (last week) 4.5 months after this thread (i decided not to trim since I mostly bun) and my hair has really caught up! It's a lot less uneven now. Thanks so much everyone! I guess I now figured out my hair grows like that!
My hair grows in like that too. I hated it too but stuck it out until the sides like yours filled in. As long as the shorter parts are not from breakage, I think it is OK, but then again I don't care about even ends.

I got some real growth that way and 2 months ago had the stylist trim it into a nice V in the back. I'd just do roller sets so it doesn't show or use a banana clip and then it doesn't show either. I am going for a no-trimming, high growth year, so I don't care what anyone says about my ends...I know I'm taking care of them.

Don't look at my siggy picture--that was a long time ago and I have to change the picture....lost my camera.
If you don't wear your hair down/straight and if your ends are healthy, then I wouldn't trim!

I plan to have an uneven mullet type hair cut until I reach a length I am comfortable with... then I will make it more blunt. :giggle:

If no one else can even see it and if your hair is healthy, you could be cutting some of your progress off.

ETA: Didn't realize that this was posted a while back. Congrats on your progress!
^^ Thank you!
I'm actually torn between blunt cuts and uneven hair! Blunt ends are gorgeous, but hair that is not all even also looks really natural and beautiful too.

ETA: I used to cut at every relaxer, and then wonder why my hair stayed at one length. Not using scissors makes that much of a difference, esp. since stylists usually cut too much off.
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I wouldn't trim unless your hair is damaged.

there are ways to fill in the uneven parts

plus, hair doesn't grow at the same time everywhere