Should I detangel before or after a protein treatment?


Well-Known Member
I got the Komaza protein I treatment today in the mail and I'm going to use it tonight. You're suppose to wash your hair before you use this correct? So should I detangel my hair with a conditioner like V05, wash my hair in braided sections, protein treatment and the deep condition? My hair is a a little tangled now. I have never used a protein treatment before but I get the impression they make your hair dry and a little hard. It seems to me that it would be harder to detangel my hair after the protein treatment. Or do I wash, use the protein treatment and then detangle with the deep conditioner in?

Thanks ladies
Girl, slap on that VO5 & detangle like it took your money. This could save you from a major set back.
If it is your first time, go ahead and use the V05, then protein treatment and DC. That will give you and idea of how the protein treatment acts on your hair.

I shampoo, protein treatment, DC and then detangle. But I already know how the protein treatment acts on my hair. Once you know how it acts you can plan accordingly. But in the beginning better safe than sorry.
Komaza doesn't make your hair hard. However I suggest just going ahead and use the V05 to detangle and what not just in case. Then shampoo, protein treat and DC afterward.
Thanks ladies. I'm detangeling now. Can anyone answer: how do you keep your hair separated when you use a protein treatment? I was planing on doing it in four sections, but my hair doesn't necessarily stay in those sections unless I use some sort of hair clip.
Admittedly, I've never had problems keeping my hair in sections during a wash/treatment. Now that mine is longer, I can Bantu knot it or regular knot it. Before, if I didn't use clips, I'd use bobby pins or roller pins. I think if you have trouble keeping it in sections, you don't have enough sections.

HTH! :)

How do you keep your hair separated when you use a protein treatment?

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Thanks ladies. I'm detangeling now. Can anyone answer: how do you keep your hair separated when you use a protein treatment? I was planing on doing it in four sections, but my hair doesn't necessarily stay in those sections unless I use some sort of hair clip.

It's ok to use the clip. I usually just twist about 8 sections and put a plastic cap over my head.
On it says on the Komaza bottle not to cover your head. Does it work better uncovered? I was gonna cover it anyways
On it says on the Komaza bottle not to cover your head. Does it work better uncovered? I was gonna cover it anyways

I though the directions also said to leave it on until it feels dry. Is that correct?

If you cover it, you won't know when that is and end up leaving it on to long.

When you use protein treatments, you should stick as close to the directions as possible. They aren't usually very forgiving.
It worked out wonderfully ladies! I loved it! For the first time EVER I am able to touch/gently pull/ manipulate my hair without breakage. I have had immediate results! Only now I feel like a fool, for never doing this FOUR YEARS into my HHJ. Imagine the length I could have retained in four years had I been doing this the whole time :( My hair DOES grow it just breaks off. I can't wait to do this again. You ladies are awesome! Good looking out xx