Should I cut my hair?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know this may sound crazy. But hear me out. Check out my pics on my fotki... (I don't have anything new). I've noticed my hair may have grow a little bit. But I just am getting uber impatient with my hair. Part curly, still mostly straight. I am anxious to see my natural hair already!! :lachen: Now before I would've been scared to cut for fear it wouldn't grow back. But now I know better. It was growing but just breaking at the same time, keeping my growth in the negative. So I still have a little breakage going on right now. But I really wonder if I cut it won't my hair be better off? I am thinking of cutting like 2-3 inches.

What do you guys think?
If your transitioning I would cut it because there is no point to having half straight/ half curly hair. That would get on my nerves. Or if you dont want to cut I would relax it again. I would do one or the other.:yep:.
i know exactly how you feel. i feel like cutting my hair too. im transitioning also and these two textures are driving me crazy.
yea i was there before... and i just went ahead and bc'd and i don't regret it at all... i son't think you will either you don't sound that attached... if you decide to you'd better post sum pics!