Should I cut it off or wait it out??


New Member
I washed my hair today and I noticed that even though my sides almost touch my shoulder, the middle of the back of my neck is so short. This has always been one of my weak spots and to be honest, the length of it today really caught me off guard. I say the difference in length is about 2 inches. Part of the problem is that the way I was wrapping my hair at night put extra tension and friction on that are so I stopped doing that. This summer after my dye distaster I got my hair cut even all around so I figured that that cut got all damage out but apparently not. I really don't like the way it looks and this had shot my offical shoulder length by christmas goals in the foot. I am trying a positive attitude and think of this as an opportunity to make better progress. My boyfriend thinks I should try to wait it out; get a light trim and just work on that area more but I want to cut it. I don't want to lose all my length but I don't want my hair to look raggety. Everything looks good but this spot. I am thinking about getting the back trimmed up and getting a angled cut. Kinda t-box esque but not that drastic. What do you all think? Lightly trim it and try using something to help it grow out or get an overall cut that will help hide that area and just take a length loss? What should I do?
u got pics? do you wear your hair out often? if not just lightly trim and wait it out. If it really is annoying you - cut it. It will surely look healthy and full even all the way around. Whatever you do - do what will make you happy.
nomoweavesfome said:
u got pics? do you wear your hair out often? if not just lightly trim and wait it out. If it really is annoying you - cut it. It will surely look healthy and full even all the way around. Whatever you do - do what will make you happy.

I don't have any pics but I might be able to get some to post to show you. I have been wearing my hair pinned back for the past week due to an ear operation so you really can't tell. I am going to buy some nioxin to put on that area so hopefully it will help it fill out. I am going to a LHCF stylist for my next relaxer so I am sure she will take off as little as is needed. Thanks for your help. I think I am going to try to wait it out.
OMG I have the exact same problem. As you can see from my avatar I opted with cutting it into a sort of style but now I'm wishing I hadn't. I never wear my hair down anyway so it was pretty pointless and now I'm gonna have to wait twice as long for tyhe back to catch up to the sides. I say wait it out doing trims gradually if you really want it to be even.
KeraKrazy said:
OMG I have the exact same problem. As you can see from my avatar I opted with cutting it into a sort of style but now I'm wishing I hadn't. I never wear my hair down anyway so it was pretty pointless and now I'm gonna have to wait twice as long for tyhe back to catch up to the sides. I say wait it out doing trims gradually if you really want it to be even.

Girl, me and you gonna have to buddy up and through this together. What are you going to try to do to whip that area in shape? I was thinking of trying some growth aides in that area twice a day.
I've just started bunning and baggying at night I think my damage was caused by wrapping my hair also. I'm also going to try relaxing the back last as something tells me this part of my hair is a different texture to the rest and overprocessing is the reason for its constant breaking I'll keep you updated.
KeraKrazy said:
I've just started bunning and baggying at night I think my damage was caused by wrapping my hair also. I'm also going to try relaxing the back last as something tells me this part of my hair is a different texture to the rest and overprocessing is the reason for its constant breaking I'll keep you updated.

Same here. I just going to pin it up everyday. I was thinking of trying the full hairobics regime, just without using all her products. You have to use a stimulating leave-in spray up to five days a week on your scalp, rub stimulating oil on your scalp 1-2 days a week, and oil your ends every week.
I would say if it is not damaged and just needs to catch up with the rest of your hair to LEAVE it alone:) and let it catch up. I had that problem the hair under my neck was shorter...What I did was got it trimmed and It has caught up...At first, there was a little gap that showed buy now it have filled in and all I did was moisturize that area and eased up on the tight ponytails and it grew in....I want to try the nioxin follicle booster for my side though.HTH