Should I be Offended?


New Member
I just made a phone call to a salon to ask about their Phyto Organics...well she gave me the price of the gallons and not the liters and when I asked for the liter prices she said, " I can't give you any more prices because I have someone else on the other line." I was like :eek: what kinda customer service is that?!?! I mean yes I'd asked a couple of questions about their hours and location, but dang...I just felt that was crusty of her.

I want to go because they have GALLON sizes and the prices are good, but I feel a little anxious because it's a "white" salon and I just...well you know how it feels when you go into a place that chaters predominantly to another race. Yet, I'm going to go and be as nice and professional as I can and maybe I can leave them with a lasting positive impression.

Well... it wasn't extremely bad customer service, just a bit rushed. Maybe it wasn't personal in that she did have somebody else on the line and your call took longer than anticipated. What she should have done was as soon as she picked up your call, she should have said:

1. Hello, this is name of salon. I have one call ahead of you. Would you like to hold?


If she had picked up your call and after listening to your questions, discovered that your call was not as quick as she thought, say "I can get those addisional prices for you. Would you like to hold" or say that they are not allowed to give out additional prices (and this is the policy for some stores because of competition).

You might be unconsciously projecting some insecurities about dealing with white salons.
RelaxerRehab said:
Well... it wasn't extremely bad customer service, just a bit rushed. Maybe it wasn't personal in that she did have somebody else on the line and your call took longer than anticipated. What she should have done was as soon as she picked up your call, she should have said:

1. Hello, this is name of salon. I have one call ahead of you. Would you like to hold?


If she had picked up your call and after listening to your questions, discovered that your call was not as quick as she thought, say "I can get those addisional prices for you. Would you like to hold" or say that they are not allowed to give out additional prices (and this is the policy for some stores because of competition).

You might be unconsciously projecting some insecurities about dealing with white salons.

ITA. it was a little rude and could've been handled better, but this certainly isn't terrible customer service. mainly, i think salons are just more interested in having you come in than doing business over the phone... easier for them to make the sale. :look:
chayil0427 said:
I just made a phone call to a salon to ask about their Phyto Organics...well she gave me the price of the gallons and not the liters and when I asked for the liter prices she said, " I can't give you any more prices because I have someone else on the other line." I was like :eek: what kinda customer service is that?!?! I mean yes I'd asked a couple of questions about their hours and location, but dang...I just felt that was crusty of her.

That's awful customer service. I would have corrected her and said 'Yes, you CAN give me the prices, you just don't want to.' I can't support businesses with funky attitudes, but if you go, you should speak to the manager.
ladylibra said:
ITA. it was a little rude and could've been handled better, but this certainly isn't terrible customer service. mainly, i think salons are just more interested in having you come in than doing business over the phone... easier for them to make the sale. :look:

Yea, that's true. And maybe I am projecting some insecurities because I remember feeling that way going to a white salon where I used to get my TWA trimmed for the first first I felt ackward but after I warmed up everyone was really nice. I just think the first time I walked in they were like whoooooa I'm not sure if we know how to fix her hair, but they finally fixed me up with a girl and she did a mean TWA for a white girl! LOL.:lol:
More unprofessional than rude. Some receptionists are clueless on how to be professional and have some tact. Like someone else said, I would go but definitely speak with the manager.

Honey, don't let a tactless receptionist come between you and your Phyto (especially at a good price!)!:grin:
Mocha5 said:
More unprofessional than rude. Some receptionists are clueless on how to be professional and have some tact. Like someone else said, I would go but definitely speak with the manager.

Honey, don't let a tactless receptionist come between you and your Phyto (especially at a good price!)!:grin:

Girl! Your signature with all that lotion(?) on your baby's face!!!!:eek:

It was like a quick glance and I thought it was PLASTIC WRAP!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: I jumped and was GETTING REAL READY to find out how to get CPS to you on the QUICKNESS!!!!

Whewwwwww (walking around pacing to calm myself down).... I don't play with babies like that... gotta protect the babies....

I wouldn't be, but I also wouldn't spend my $$$ there if she can't SPARE the time to give me info on products that I wanted to purchase there. :mad:
RelaxerRehab said:
Girl! Your signature with all that lotion(?) on your baby's face!!!!:eek:

It was like a quick glance and I thought it was PLASTIC WRAP!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: I jumped and was GETTING REAL READY to find out how to get CPS to you on the QUICKNESS!!!!

Whewwwwww (walking around pacing to calm myself down).... I don't play with babies like that... gotta protect the babies....


OT: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: oooooh, you soooo wrong for that! I can see you rubbing your ears now!!! Girl, that boy had been watching me give myself facials so I guess he decided he would give himself one with Vaseline that day. Can I tell you I had a time getting it off his face. But his lil face was like butta afterwards! :grin:
Why do Black people continue to try to PROVE something to white people? You arent going to change any minds AND you give over your hard earned bucks. Its funny to because once a Black business messes up thats it, we wont mess with them anymore and talk about how trifling they are.
OnAHairQuest said:
Why do Black people continue to try to PROVE something to white people? You arent going to change any minds AND you give over your hard earned bucks. Its funny to because once a Black business messes up thats it, we wont mess with them anymore and talk about how trifling they are.
well said momma
oh by the way i think it was rude phyo is a very expensive product she should have been breaking her neck to get you the prices to make a sale its that her job
She was trying to up-sell you over the phone. When she thought that might not work, she was impatient and rude. There are many, many places to buy the products you want.

Do you remember that scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts goes into a boutique and they are rude to her, refusing to help or sell her a a dress? She left and ended up somewhere else with a salesperson who was both considerate and helpful. Then she went back to the other place and rubbed it in their faces. It's kind of like that.

If they can't be bothered to give you the service you need, then you should not be bothered to give them your money. It does not matter if they are black, white, pink, or purple. Bad service is bad service - don't stand for it.
seeing that you called on a friday I can see why she may have been a bit rushed on you. Busy day. She could have handled it better however. The best time to call any salon or retail business for that matter is on tuesdays and wednesdays. those are the best days to get their undivided attention and get thorough answers on any questions you may have. Its either that or be put on hold for 30 minutes and get a half assed response:ohwell:
chayil0427 said:
I just made a phone call to a salon to ask about their Phyto Organics...well she gave me the price of the gallons and not the liters and when I asked for the liter prices she said, " I can't give you any more prices because I have someone else on the other line." I was like :eek: what kinda customer service is that?!?! I mean yes I'd asked a couple of questions about their hours and location, but dang...I just felt that was crusty of her.

I want to go because they have GALLON sizes and the prices are good, but I feel a little anxious because it's a "white" salon and I just...well you know how it feels when you go into a place that chaters predominantly to another race. Yet, I'm going to go and be as nice and professional as I can and maybe I can leave them with a lasting positive impression.


Just remember, you're going to give your hard earned money to an establishment that may or may not respect you. If you don't receive a warm welcome, good service upon your arrival and get the impression that you are welcome; TURN and WALK right out the door without dropping a dime. No, most likely they will not see your exit as a loss. However, it won't be their gain ($) either!
To me, it sounds like exactly what she said. She was probably helping someone on the other line and meant to quickly answer your question or put you on hold, but she was able to answer your initial question. Where I live, any place good is usually going to be busy, so patience is necessary. I think it is fair for things to be done on first come, first serve basis, but she should have suggested you call back, when she was able to answer all of your questions. I understand how she may have sounded, but I really don't see that as being her intention, unless she said it in a scolding (nasty) manner. That would mean she was probably flustered and lost her professionalism. Nobody stands between me and my products. It ain't that serious.