Should I be discouraged by daily breakage?


New Member
I've been in this journey for a month now and am becoming discouraged. I have an average of 5 broken hairs everyday. Am I just overobsessing or is this normal? It is making me very anxious that this bunning thing is a waste of time.
Is it breakage or Shedding?:look:

The average person can lose between 50-200 shed hairs per day. *my numbers may be off a bit, but close*

5 Hairs per day isn't much, especially since if they are Shed Hairs.:yep:

Relax. Be Patient. And try to Enjoy the Journey.:grin:
5 broken hairs per day is nothing! You're stressing over nothing. Oil your hair a little more before you comb it and that should help.
No, I don't think you should be discouraged.

You mentioned bunning...Are you bunning wet or dry hair? The reason I'm asking is because I've been bunning lately and if I am losing any strands of hair, it's not enough to notice because truthfully I don't see anything. My routine is probably different from most people (I'm not sure)....I co-wash my hair everyday. The reason is because I work out and I don't like sweaty hair, plus sweat makes my hair really dry. I co-wash in the shower and I use cheap conditioner (Aussie Moist, V05). I use a wide tooth shower comb to comb the conditioner thru. I throw a plastic cap on my head and then I continue with a shower. Then I rinse my hair and dry it with a special towel that's supposed to be made for people w/ curly hair (it's basically like a t-shirt). I put some shea butter on my hair and spray some S-Curl no-drip on the ends, and then I put it in a bun. I seriously don't see any strands of broken hair. I don't obsess about it, so maybe I'm just not paying that much attention.

If you are actually seeing broken hairs, maybe you are combing your hair too hard??? Or maybe you need to try a different conditioner.

5 hairs is not that big of a deal...
If you are losing 5 hairs everyday to breakage then you would lose 1780 hairs in a year. We have 10 of thousand of strands on our head, that does not sound too bad.

Do not stress!
5 hairs/day is nothing to worry about. Remember that even the healthiest heads of hair get very minimal breakage because hair strands are not made of steel.
If it's a LOT of breakage I would be concerned. No one is ever free from breakage, but it's good to monitor how much breakage you do get on a daily basis so you know what's normal for you and when you should freak out about it.
If your broken hairs have splits then I would suggest dusting, but like someone else said everyone has some breakage. It you start seeing broken hairs everywhere like on your clothes then this may be a sign that you may need to investigate.
Oh good! Big sigh of releaf!!! I guess I was over obsessing. I just didn't know what was normal breakage. For some reason I just assumed that when I started moisturizing, deep conditioning, combing only on wash day with conditioner and eliminating heat that I wasn't supposed to get breakage ever again. I have a lot to learn, but you all have no idea how you have eased my mind. Okay, no more discouragement. Can't wait to get to BS.

Thanks a bunch!
A "No Broken Hairs" Challenge. Its been rattling around in my head, and with ladies bringing up breakage I thought it might be a good time to tackle the issue.
Oh good! Big sigh of releaf!!! I guess I was over obsessing. I just didn't know what was normal breakage. For some reason I just assumed that when I started moisturizing, deep conditioning, combing only on wash day with conditioner and eliminating heat that I wasn't supposed to get breakage ever again. I have a lot to learn, but you all have no idea how you have eased my mind. Okay, no more discouragement. Can't wait to get to BS.

Thanks a bunch!

I think that after being on this board for a while 1 broken hair starts to look like too much! The stressing that goes on over broken hairs around here can be contagious.

You're ok.