Should a plastic cap be used under a steamer?


New Member
Straight from the horses mouth (the Huetiful Steamer people) on facebook:

3. Do you put a plastic wrap or shower cap over your hair under the steamer? OR do you just sit there with no plastic around it?

You do not need a plastic wrap. When plastic wraps are used they're used to trap the natural heat that comes from your head. 60% of body temperature is lost through the head so the plastic acts as a "greenhouse" if you will. With the steamer, you don't need that. Much of the steam is trapped under the hood and it is naturally warm underneath there. You want the warm steam to bathe over your hair and you want to expose your scalp to the ozonized steam for anti-dandruff and scalp health reasons. Definitely - don't use a plastic cap.

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Bumping for you*

I was wondering the same thing......I haven't used one because I was thinking that the only purpose of using a plastic cap is to keep the warmth close to your hair/head. With the actual steamer hood plus the steam you are essentially doing that. But I'm not sure..........
no. think about it. some ladies put plastic over their hair when they go out in the rain to block the humidity and moisture. We put on shower caps to block out moisture and humidity in the shower.

It would be the same if you put on a plastic cap under a steamer. It would completely defeat the purpose of sitting under the steamer.
Quick question, are you supposed to keep the little circular vent open on top of the hood or do you close it? I'm never sure what to do with it, so I leave it open mid way.
Thanks!!! Very useful info!!
Straight from the horses mouth (the Huetiful Steamer people) on facebook:

3. Do you put a plastic wrap or shower cap over your hair under the steamer? OR do you just sit there with no plastic around it?

You do not need a plastic wrap. When plastic wraps are used they're used to trap the natural heat that comes from your head. 60% of body temperature is lost through the head so the plastic acts as a "greenhouse" if you will. With the steamer, you don't need that. Much of the steam is trapped under the hood and it is naturally warm underneath there. You want the warm steam to bathe over your hair and you want to expose your scalp to the ozonized steam for anti-dandruff and scalp health reasons. Definitely - don't use a plastic cap.


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Quick question, are you supposed to keep the little circular vent open on top of the hood or do you close it? I'm never sure what to do with it, so I leave it open mid way.
You should open it or it will get too hot.

To the OP, IMO the shower cap defeats the purpose of it
You should open it or it will get too hot.

To the OP, IMO the shower cap defeats the purpose of it

Your absolutely right! You cover your hair when using a dryer because its hot "Air" and it will dry your hair out in the mean time, "Steam" is evaporating "Water", Which is "Exactly" what were looking for. :yep::yep::yep: