
Sex aside, I'm a short woman who has never been able to get along with short men. They always have a temper and go out of their way to prove their manliness. Every tall man I have been with has been like a gentle giant. I love them.
i think short men do the extras and are "perfect" because they know the pickings are slim for them..women dont normally check for dudes 5'9 and below so...ijs

my pre-coloring mental rolodex brings up a blank when i try and recall short men coloring...iunno
Erm...been with one guy shorter than me. Im 5'9" he was 5'8" and I just couldnt do it. Not only did he outright tell me my height bothered him, but he also had a temper that showed itself over the most menial things and was always trying to talk up his manliness/strength. And the coloring, although it was only once, was forgettable. Blah
I'll bite :lol:.

I'm 5'3", so like 95% of guys are going to be taller than me. All the men in my family are 5'11" or taller, so tall is what I'm used to. I don't really register that a guy is tall when I first met him.

The tallest guy I ever been with was 6'4", and the shortest is my current bf, who's 5'3". Before him the shortest guy I had been with was like 5'5". I don't know what happened, but for the past 3 years, I mainly get hit on by short guys :lol:. I've dealt with 4 short guys, and 3 had killer skills in the sheets. The only one who had no sex drive was the only non-black one and he was so slight :lol:, so I don't know if that had something to do with it.

I must admit when I first met my bf, I thought to myself, "Nope. Can't do it. He is too short!!!" But he knocked my dang socks off :lachen:. Definitely the highest stamina of any guy I've been with and that's no small feat. Outside of bed, he doesn't overcompensate and is really playful and sweet.

I haven't really experienced a difference between tall guys and short ones, besides the short ones have been proportionally well-endowed :look:. After being with an average height guy (5'11") with a small peen :nono:, height and junk-size are not related in my mind :lol:
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Yes and I bet broke dudes are what's up too

Ha ha. One of my girlfriend's stay giving broke dudes a try b/c she says they always put it down..they know that's all they got. I imagine the same with short dudes...they gotta make the most of the chances they are given....

But no..short dudes..short limbs, short neck..its is a turn off to me, don't really care how good his skills are.
i dont think a single short man meets my requirements of "best sex ive ever had." the one who comes closest is about 5'8 or so; we're about the same height and i generally measure between 5'7 and 5'8. the experiences that come to mind when i think of great sex ive had were generally men over 6 feet. and this isnt responder bias. ive dated men under 6 feet fairly often too.
I'm a little bit standing at 5'2. I like my men 6'0 and up. My current is 6'4.
Short guys are nice, but I don't think they are for me. Lol
The devil is a liar!

I'm 5'4 and if I can't get a crick in my neck trying to look up at him, he ain't gonna make the cut. I don't even blink at guys under 6'1.
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I kinda have a preference for shorter guys. I have yet to be disappointed whilst coloring with one. What they lacked in size, they made up with their performance.
I have a preference for taller guys and I'm 5'3. The shortest guy I ever dated was my first bf who was 5'7 and everyone after him was at least 6'2...until I met my current bf who's 5'11and I have no problems.