Short, relaxed, & damaged hair... I need a miracle!!!


New Member
I know people say that everyone can grow hair, but I seem to be struggling with retaining length. My hair is relaxed and colored (a horrible decision). I want to say I am a 4d because my 4b doesn't look like these other 4b's...

I cut my hair off a year ago and since then have added highlights and a full color (6 months ago). I know my hair is growing, but the length is not there. I have been co-washing (Cantu) for 3 months, and using mega-tek and MN (mixed with vitamin E oil and carrot oil) for one and a half months. I do notice growth, but how do I protect my ends and retain this length? My ends are dry and often feel straw-like. I also have been very bad and use a flat iron almost everyday. I want to grow healthy hair but I also need my hair to look nice in the process. Any suggestions?


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Put the flat iron down... When I was relaxed I flatironed weekly and I'm sure that was the main culprit of dry ends. I would say that's step 1. There are other ways to achieve stlyes rollersetting is good if u want sleek straight hair. I know others will have more advce for you. Good luck
ITA with the above. When I was relaxed, flat ironing frequently was killing my ends. Maybe try a good trim and a low/less frequent, indirect heat regime for a while? Possibly try baggying those ends with a good moisturizer before deciding to chop them off completely. Hopefully your hair with start retaining length this way.
Are you deep conditioning at all? I find deep conditioning weekly to be a lot more effective than co-washing. I would definitely stop flat-ironing everyday, especially if your ends are brittle from the color. Roller-setting is a better option. You should protective styles also.
Put the flat iron down... When I was relaxed I flatironed weekly and I'm sure that was the main culprit of dry ends. I would say that's step 1. There are other ways to achieve stlyes rollersetting is good if u want sleek straight hair. I know others will have more advce for you. Good luck

I couldn't agree more! Put it down...put it down. (I speak it because I've been there!!!) Practice rollersetting, twistouts, braidouts, etc. I think that would really help you reach your retention goals, esp. since you are double processed.
Good luck!
flat iron everyday??? c'mon you know better, try rollers over night or something, when i didnt have rollers i used plastic bags, anything is better then a curling iron anyday.... :ohwell:

You don't need a miracle you need a changing of your mind and attitude about your hair.

If you are serious, I mean really serious and willing to listen to the advice these ladies share with you then you will reach your goal.

Your first focus should be on getting healthy hair. I don't think there is anyone here who has grown their hair using a flat iron EVERY DAY. If there is they are not many in numbers. :nono:

Please follow the advice of the ladies who have relaxed color treated hair if that is the route you want to go.

Yes, get in line for the spanking because we are coming after you for that one.
How short did you cut your hair a year ago? Just wondering how much growth you achieved. Well, I think you have to take a break from the flat iron. Check out some of the older threads where some of the prettiest curls have come from bantu knots, roller sets, braid outs, etc. Maybe you can do some protective styles & really baby your ends. I use the baggy method on my daughter's ends & seal them with black Jamaican castor oil & they have really improved.
Thanks ladies. I am serious about my hair health. I know flat ironing is part of the problem, and I didn't use heat prior to the color; however, I felt that the color made my hair less manageable. I can't wait for it to grow out completely.

I am working on a deep conditioning regimen. I have been looking through threads and know that I need to balance protein and moisture....
Dear God how is it possible for me to write a thread about myself 8 years ago!?!?!

Girl at one point in time in 2002, I got a relaxer, then two weeks later, I got highlights, could not see then unless it was high-noon and I was standing directly under the sun, so I got more highlights one week later. My hair was dry!!!!!!

Anywho, I also used the curling iron daily. My suggestion, for now try to flat iron, every other day.....then every three days....twice a week, if possible (shhhhh, I still use heat about 4 days a week). Also, are you using a heat protectant? I love me some Chi Silk Infusion, but there are others. My hair was so dry then, and I was clueless about DC. I would suggest a really really good DC once if not twice a week. I use ORS Replenishing Pak or AO HoneySuckleRose, again there are other DC that are great too! I am really not sure about protein treatments and color-treated hair, maybe someone else can help with that. Lastly - have you ever tried air drying your hair with a scarf?
How short did you cut your hair a year ago? Just wondering how much growth you achieved. Well, I think you have to take a break from the flat iron. Check out some of the older threads where some of the prettiest curls have come from bantu knots, roller sets, braid outs, etc. Maybe you can do some protective styles & really baby your ends. I use the baggy method on my daughter's ends & seal them with black Jamaican castor oil & they have really improved.

I had hair that was between SL and APL. I cut it to ear length and shaved the back...
Your hair looks pretty full in the siggy so things may not be as bad as you think. In addition to cutting back on heat, moisturize/sealing, and DCing, I would try protective stylin as much as possible. Spring is here....try a cute scarf on the weekend....that's how I got started.

Up until July 09, I was addicted to the curling iron. I had NL hair and I just did not think it was possible to style my hair w/o heat. BUT today I use direct heat maybe once in 8 weeks. I'm not sure if I'm SL or not, since I haven't did a length check in awhile, but I know I'm close.
Good luck.
1) I would definitely limit the use of the flatiron.

2) Increase your deep conditioning.

3) Incorporate the use of ceramides (there are plenty of links on this board).

All in all, your hair does look pretty thick. It will take a little time and patience to get your hair back to a healthy state.
I had a huge issue with using heat everyday as well because I like my hair to have a straighter look to it, what saved me is half wigs, you can get a really nice polished look without terrorizing your hair everyday.
Try a nice moisturizing conditioner like Aubrey's Organics Honeysuckle Rose. Do twistouts, braidouts, and rollersets that don't require heat styling.
Learn how to pincurl your hair at night. it will give you the same look as the flat-iron or curling iron without the direct heat.

That was my number one problem when I joined - using direct heat daily.

There are tutorials on pincurling on youtube.
Your hair in your siggy looks exactly like mine did when I went though a constant heat use phase at 15-16. When I tuned 16, and watched my cousins toss their lovely hair around, I got hair mags (no Internet back then...), and bought some of the products touted until I devised a regimen and grew my hair from NL to BSL in a year. (I wish I were having as much success with my natural hair :( )

In addition to what the other ladies recommended, I'd suggest using a leave-in. I used to use Infusium. It was great, but try some out. I know CON has a nice one with Rosemary, as does Parnevu (both) creams.

Good luck, lady!
so you use the megatek and you cowash....what are you using as your moisturizer? how far apart are you getting your touchups? and you're right, using that flat iron everyday isn't very about taking one step forward and two steps back!

all you have to do is get serious about your haircare (which, obviously, you are doing if you made this thread) and the health will come. soon after, the length will appear. once you get to a length where you can protective style, do it a good 4 days (at least) out of the week. heck, if you wanna get braids or something like that to hardcore PS, you can do that too. just pick a simple regimen with a few key products and STICK TO IT for at least three solid months with no changes. after that three month point hits, assess your progress and see where you are....then let us know about what changes you are seeing!
put your hair up in a zero maintaince style for 3 months Like cornrows, or individual braids, crochet braids, phony pony, wig it up.
keep it moisturized daily, baggie at night, DC at least weekly with a deep penatrating CON
like ORS replenishing DC.

and like all the lovely ladies have said
put down the heat
I really appreciated all the advice. In the two weeks since I posted this thread, I only used heat once b/c I had an event to attend. I've been co-washing and deep conditioning with ORS replenishing pack. I have also been using the juice for moisture. At night I massage my scalp, using my vitamin E and carrot oil and the juice along with my Mega Tek & MN mixture (contains MN, Megatek, a little sulfur 8 grease, grapeseed oil, and coconut oil) and twist my hair. In the morning I have hair that feels so soft and happy and a cute style. My hair has been loving its new treatment. I'm debating about getting a relaxer...its been 8 weeks since I've had one and I'm thinking about just waiting until graduation (May 7)... Thanks again ladies!