Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny bun


Active Member
I'm posting this as encouragement for the ladies with short hair. I think we need extra support and attention because we have such a long ways to go to reach our goals. I know it's hard and frustrating because we can't get our hair in a nice neat ponytail or bun....

If you do not give up and stay consistent with your regimen you WILL reach your goal.

I know that my hair has been through some major changes. I started this back in October of last year. Back then, my hair was shedding and I could not wet my hair with out it just break off. This was the result of too frequent relaxing (every 4-6 weeks) and permanent hair color.

I had to shave the back of my hair completely off and gradually cut off the damaged hair at the top and the front.

I now have just enough hair to gather into a little ponytail or tiny little bun and can actually tuck the ends under. Now, it is a pathetic little bun that I will not wear out in public, but it's a start!

I use to be ashamed to pull my hair back because I had ballspots around my temples from braiding too tight. I had to wear braids to give my hair a break from the chemicals while I trimmed the damaged hair off. I can now wear my hair back and my edges are almost completely restored. They are still thin around the temples but, it's not that noticable.

Another set back was having too much hair cut off by my ex-stylist. She also cut one side shorter then the other. I have since been able to even it out (just finished clipping today).

My accomplishments:
being able to stretch my relaxers out beyond six weeks (now 8-10 weeks). Could not do this before.
I have about three inches of hair all over not counting my new growth. I will probably have another inch when I retouch my relaxer.

My current challenge is keeping my hair from drying out. I almost have a regimen in place, but it has been difficult to find products that work for me.
So far my staples are:
Aubreys GPB
Motions CPR
Water/glycerin and lavender oil combo- think I will add aloe vera gel to this

Still trying to find a deep moisturizing conditioner:
I just purchased:
Kenra's moisturizing conditioner (could not find Keracare Humecto)
Giovanni's direct leave-in
Aloe vera gel
about to purchase Instant weave so that I can wear daily wet buns.

Hope this helps!
Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

Congrats. Keracare Humecto is sold at JC Penney's in the salon in case you ever want to try it out.
Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

girl i know that feeling i can finally make a full bun with my hair and i love this hair board . my hair was damaged and i was in denial
it was hard but now that i have learned tp care for my hair nothing has felt so beter it healthier in my oppion. but i still got a long way to go but i will get there in time no if i could only stop touching my hair so much and stling it evry 5 mins i need major help with that
Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

Congrats keylargo!! I can relate. When I used to put my hair into a pigtail, it looked like my hair wasnt 'done'. Now, I have enough hair to actually call it a ponytail, and it almost looks like a style!!! Keep up the good growing!!! Isnt this board great???
Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

Congrats girl. I feel your pain. A lot of the protective styles I see on this board are geared toward people who already have longe hair. I struggle everyday just to find a decent style for my short hair.

I'm happy to announce I have a little bun now too!

p.s. my confession, I get so jealous coming to this board sometimes, I feel like a minority
Re: Short-haired ladies, I can finally make a tiny

dd3, by next year this time, we will be flippin' our long stuff too!!!!
Thank you keylargo for mentioning this
because I too have short hair. Since I've join this board my hair has grown a whole lot especially since I've got a regime that's working. I know that when I could finally put my hair in a little pony and bun it felt good and your right we can't wear it in public yet, but we both know that it's a start
Happy growing and keep up the good work.
congratulations, keylargo!!! i can remember that day too. i didn't ever think i'd be able to wear a bun, but after the second time i wore braids, i was able to. so yes, be encouraged. if you can reach this goal, you can reach all the other ones too!!!
Congrat's Kerlargo. And by the way, let us know how you like the Giovanni's direct leave-in! I'm curious.

Ballet Bun ...
Congratulations, Keylargo!

I'm in the same boat. Although I have many layers, when my hair is wet, I am able to slick it back into a pathetic "microscopic" pig-tail. But it still doesn't look presentable to wear in public.

It's very encouraging to read your post! Thank you for sharing!!
congrats keylargo, bet u real happy to be able to do this esp coz it means that u can now do the adrienne protective style!! girl i'm so happy for u coz if u look at my signature thats actually my first goal and this is especially hard coz my hair's natural so its goin to be a while b4 i can wear my bun in public!