Short broken hairs...


New Member
Hi all. Been a long time since i posted..hoping someone can help. I consistently see shrt broken hairs on my sink and bathroom counter. I dont know how i can fix this i dont mousturize my ends.
I get my hair done once a week (deep condition) and wrap it. I use Mizani oil shyne and thats it.
Im wondering if the breakage is because I need more moisture or protein. Im hesitant to put anything heavy on my ends because i dont want it weighed down.
Any suggestions??
You may need moisture or protein especially if you don't moisturize at all. If the moisture doesn't do it then you can try protein. I use Elasta Qp mango butter and seal with castor oil every night.
For some people a weekly DC is all they need for their hair to stay moist. But considering that it's winter and since you dont moisturize your hair may be dryer than usual. I would say try moisturizing your ends more if they feel dry, than could be why it's breaking.