
golden bronze

New Member
I am truly shocked. After much debate, and a good heart to heart with my sister, I decided to go ahead an even out my nice, but oh so uneven texlax and relax for the first time in 10 years. I just decided I wanted a change.

I've kept my hair in braids for years, since college, and it has been even longer since I've actually been to a professional stylist, aside from braiders. The HYH challenges have been easy for me cause I never wear my hair down.

Since discovering LHCF I have been taking better care of my hair. Taking my vitamins, co-washing, doing protein treatments, keeping my ends baggyed and moist and eating more fish and soy. I've stopped pooing virtually all together and never use heat.

Well, imagine my surprise when my stylist finished what I thought was barely APL curly growth and discovered I was almost at BSL in back, after her cutting an inch of dead ends. I'm shocked. The people who never saw my hair down or straight are shocked. They actually asked me was it a weave.

I have to thank you ladies for your advice. I will try to post pictures later.
Wheee! I am soo happy for you!
I wear braids 24/7 and that would be the sweetest haire suprise!
Congrats again! :)
This is the nicest salon-visit story I've ever read. Congratulations! :clap:
Now bring on the pix!