shipping costs.... ORDERING Hair Products online


Well-Known Member
a saw a thread that made me realize how much of a problem SHIPPING COSTS are !!!
nowadays (southern talk:rolleyes:) there is a method to HOW I order.... and what I order (heck even when I order) products online all revolving around shipping!


BUYERS: those who buy hair products online regularly, How are shipping costs affecting you? Your purchases? Do you just consider it unavoidable? only buy when free? what if the prices are really low... but shipping is high (yet total is less overall)?

SELLERS: how is it affecting your bottom line? any suggestions to customers? Is free shipping possible in this economy?

basically are shipping costs a deal breaker for you?
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I'm a buyer and I hate paying more shipping than the item. Or when I get an item and the box and packaging is waaaay bigger the item. You couldn't find a smaller box from Walmart?? So, that deters me from buying online unless there is a huge sale. I understand it's a necessity, so I have staples I can get locally.
I have never ordered hair products online for just this reason (and timeliness)

I see shipping as an additional cost of the product. Example: I really want to try curl junkie and bee mine products but shipping turns a $20 product onto a $26.95 product. That's a big deal to me
a saw a thread that made me realize how much of a problem SHIPPING COSTS are !!!
nowadays (southern talk:rolleyes:) there is a method to HOW I order.... and what I order (heck even when I order) products online all revolving around shipping!


BUYERS: those who buy hair products online regularly, How are shipping costs affecting you? Your purchases? Do you just consider it unavoidable? only buy when free?

SELLERS: how is it affecting your bottom line? any suggestions to customers? Is free shipping possible in this economy?

basically are shipping costs a deal breaker for you?

I only buy online when I have a coupon to either discount the shipping heavily or the shipping is free. Or...if I can't get the shipping totally taken off, it's when I am doing a big haul that will last me awhile and they use flat rate shipping.

My fave place to order is from AveYou because without a coupon the shipping is still only $5, and if you order over $50 it's a $1 and you can often get at least $10 off.
I only buy online when I have a coupon to either discount the shipping heavily or the shipping is free. Or...if I can't get the shipping totally taken off, it's when I am doing a big haul that will last me awhile and they use flat rate shipping.

My fave place to order is from AveYou because without a coupon the shipping is still only $5, and if you order over $50 it's a $1 and you can often get at least $10 off.

Same here and I also bulk buy.
The companies that have free or discounted shipping, great customer service and products get my money, no others.
I don'tike buying online due to the shipping cost! If the shipping is more than $6.95 I am easily detered. I love elucence so I mostly buy online or when I go to the salon which is rare! I also have to have my Qhemet products!
I never pay for shipping. I only pay when shipping is free or from medco since shipping is only like a dollar. I do this with clothes and shoes as well. I will even buy a hundred dollars worth of clothes from Macys to get free shipping even if I just want one item....then I'll return everything else. Gas is cheaper than shipping! Times are hard!
I never pay for shipping. I only pay when shipping is free or from medco since shipping is only like a dollar. I do this with clothes and shoes as well. I will even buy a hundred dollars worth of clothes from Macys to get free shipping even if I just want one item....then I'll return everything else. Gas is cheaper than shipping! Times are hard!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::spank: :rofl:
I dont live in the states or even NA so shipping is a necessary evil.

I normally look for deals and free or reasonable shipping
I'm usually buying in bulk too
I have to order some stuff online because I live in Jamaica and certain products are not stocked here (e.g. Dominican Conditioners). I hate when stores charge a ton of money for slow shipping (i.e. NOT priority mail).
I really don't like to pay more than $5 shipping. I will search the whole internet for a coupon code. Sometimes ordering is worth it. Many times, it will cost me as much if not more in gas (plus traffic and aggravation) to get to the store to get it.

I always check Amazon first (I have Prime... ladies, if you are a student with a .edu email, you can get Prime free).
95% of my online purchases come from sites that offer free shipping after a certain amount is spent (which I can do easily, lol) like curlmart or sally's. The rest of the time I will shop from a site with flat rate shipping like overstock or free hand mehndi. I have never (and probably never will) shopped from a site that I'd have to spend more than $8 for shipping charges...Makes me feel like I'm giving "something" for "nothing".
Reposting my response from the thread in the other forum:

I think that as consumers there are things that we don't consider when we look at shipping costs. For many vendors the shipping cost not only incorporates the postage cost, but the cost of packaging (if they're not using USPS packaging), gas to get to the post office, ink to print the paypal shipping label as well as the time it takes to pack your item into the box.

I'm not saying that some vendors don't try to profit from shipping--some absolutely do, however there are other elements involved in the shipping process. Plus, shipping costs increased this year.
I wait until it's free, buy enough of what I want to get free shipping, or use a coupon to knock off some of the cost.
I never pay for shipping. I only pay when shipping is free or from medco since shipping is only like a dollar. I do this with clothes and shoes as well. I will even buy a hundred dollars worth of clothes from Macys to get free shipping even if I just want one item....then I'll return everything else. Gas is cheaper than shipping! Times are hard!

:grin::grin::grin: And I though I was the only one who did I especially love doing that for Macys orders because I can just go to my local Macys (which are all over) to return.
i hate shipping costs. i was just thinking the otherday i wish shipping was free...when i buy clothes and shoes online, i only buy them if i can find a coupon code that basically eliminates shipping, or they have free shipping. sometimes some online stores will ship free to one of their stores and then you pick it up. i love that, especially because i can use my coupon, plus get free shipping. flat-rate shipping is good when you order a lot of stuff, but not when you just want one thing and have to pay an $8 flat rate.
I buy a lot of things online. But I only buy things that I can't get it in person. Some things I can get in my own country while online shopping, others I can't. National shipping isn't that expensive, so it's worthed since the other option is to not have the item. But international varies a lot from $4 to $40, so I only buy if I REALLY need the item or can't find here/can't find here for lower costs (including shipping). I never pay more than $20 for shipping though, that's where I'm drawing the line.

ETA: the worst is when they don't even deliver here in Brazil, like Sally's. :sad:
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Shipping is expensive. But I have to do a lot of driving to get what I want - and gas is expensive too. So when I have to pay 10+ bucks shipping I always keep in mind that can be 20+ bucks of gas savings for me.
I purchase what I can't find locally online. But I use websites like Price Grabber and others to find the BEST price possible on the item including shipping.
the problem I find is that the prices are too high and shipping might even meet the price of products. Example: I was ordering from Bee Mine and was ordering samples only. The price of products came to $20 and so did the shipping.
I usually buy in bulk to avoid the shipping costs or if there is a good sale. I will buy from KBB when they have their buy 2 get 1 free sale for the hair milks. Even though the shipping is like $7 bucks it still beats what it would cost to drive from VA to NYC. I look at it like that.
I only use natural products so unfortunately have no choice but to order online. I buy in bulk to get free shipping where possible and will only pay shipping if the fees are reasonable such as £4.95 flat rate etc.

The only exception is when I order from Vitaglo and unfortunately the shipping to UK and customs charges work out more expensive than the products but I only plan to do a bulk purchase every 2 years or so.

I am keeping a record of what I spend this year on ingredients and am also keeping a track of shipping costs as they definitely do add up in the long run