Shikakai and amla powders


New Member
Hi! I was just wondering if any of you ladies used these powders in a leave-in spritz? What were your results?
I know there's something about the powders steeping in boiled water for an hour, strained and poured over hair. I just wanted to know how well they would work in as leave-ins.
I tried that once. I did not like the results. My hair felt very stiff and dirty. I would only use them as a pre-shampoo treatment.
I just started trying it this week...the first time I tried it didn't like it..I had amla and shikaikai mixed together but I didn't add enough water, so it was like a i read online that you should use hot water or boil it and I did this only with the shikaikai powder, I put in a squirt bottle and I have been doing this since Sunday and I really like is weird because it is thinner(not rich like a conditioner and it doesn't lather like shampoo) but I think it is a good alternate to conditioner washes and my hair feels so strong..but I have been using surge and conditioner washes since the beginning of the year..I will experiment with the amla powder more because it has to left on for an hour(according to the box) and I wanted to mix it with some brahmi oil...I also have some anoop oil and dabur vatika oil...the anoop oil has a very distinct odor so this I have been using at night, I haven't tried the dabur oil yet.
ohh.and I don't think it would be a good leave in..I use it for cleansing my hair..the oils may be better
I bought Amla Powder some time ago out of curiosity...( or PJ- fever)
I've noticed that the Amla powder works well on my hair when my hair has been strightened...but on my natural unstraightened hair? way!!!!
The stuff is very drying (why its okay for straight hair i.e straight hair can absorb more moisture than coiled hair), so I wouldn't recommend using the powder (in any state, whether boiled or whatever) as a leave in...I guess amla in oil-form is a different thing.
I have 2 bags of Kesh nikhar powders (combo of shikakai, amla and reetha/aritha powders). I find it to be an extremely powerful hair cleanser. I have to completely saturate my hair with oil before I use it or else my hair will be very dry. It works like an antiseptic. You pour it over your hair and scalp and leave it on for a while (I usually leave it on for 10-15 mins) sometimes you can hear and see it fizzing a bit, then you rinse it out. At this point, all the extra oil I put into my hair is gone. I would be afraid to try this one as a leave in spritz.

If you use shikakai and amla powders as a hair cleanser you should not have problems with your hair being dry because they are mild cleansers but reetha/ritha is a strong cleanser. My main gripe with these powders are the lack of slip.
Last night I did my first herbal rinse and it turned out great. First I boiled some water then I added 1 teaspoon of each herbal amla, shikakai, aritha, bhringraj, Daruhaldi, and tulsi and let it cool. While that was cooling, I oiled my hair and scalp with amla, coconut, and jojoba oil (that I warmed in the microwave) and set about doing my household chores. Then I washed my hair with a clarifing poo and poured the herbal rinse over my hair. Instantly my hair feel so clean and good but I had all this grainy pieces in my hair. After appling a ton of conditioner and rinsed, it all came out. Then I blow dried and my hair lookes wonderful.
i did wonder about all those grainy bits... maybe i'll wait till i take out this weave. im not too sure about having all those particles trapped under there.
A Question

Whenever i see amla or any other powder, its always mixed with oil to be used as a scalp treatment. has anyone tried it with just water? i'm thinking of making a "tea" out of it and applying it to my scalp after straining out all the solid bits.