Shen Min


New Member
Good morning ladies, i finally came out of lurking. I am proud to be a subscriber of this site at this point in my hair life.

i was wondering if anyone is or has taken shen min vitamins for hair growth, thickness, and darker hair?

Thanks In Advance
I've been considering those vitamins but they seem to have lots of different herbs in them and for some reason my body just can't tolerate too many herbs so I have stayed away from Shen Min.
i have like in 2004 for like 3 months and my hair grew a lot, thats when i was relaxed, i don't take them anymore because its too expensive
I'm currently taking shen min,but i haven't been taking them long enough to see results yet...
yeah..they are pretty expensive :yep:
I found a bottle of Shen Min, 60 tablets for 34.95 at
Which is where I purchase my spirulina, a 500 tablet bottle for 23.95.:drunk:
I found a bottle of Shen Min, 60 tablets for 34.95 at
Which is where I purchase my spirulina, a 500 tablet bottle for 23.95.:drunk:
WhaaaaT?:nono: You better stop playing and hit up ($17-$24)

Welcome to the board Leo76. I have been using Shen Min DHT Blocker off and on for a few years and they are great. Recently i have been using them in combination with other vitamins, growth aids, etc. and my hair is growing nicely. When i used them years before by themself i had recieved aout an inch plus per month. It takes about 6 weeks or so to see results but it does work! HTH
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When I went home for Thanksgiving, my mom told me that one of her friends had thinning hair and started taking some vitamins that thickened it up and made it grow very quickly.

My mom promised to find out the name, and it is Shen Min. I'm very curious about these now since my mom has definitely seen results on her friend--and according to her, they happened fast!
hmmm... sounds veddy veddy interesting. may pick some up when i'm a month or so into the biotin i just bought.