

New Member
i have a perm and i braided it up for about 6 months now i have alot of new growth and every time i take it down and braid it back up my hair sheds alot is there anything i can take to stop the shedding?
Deodorized garlic oil tablets (500-1000mg) have worked like a charm for me.

EDTA: Let me come back in here to say that I take garlic for health reasons, less shedding was something I just noticed. #Keepitcute
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If its shedding and not breakage then i wouldnt worry about it. if your hair was braided up for six months then a ton of shedding is normal. they say that the average person can lose 50-100 hairs a day so i can just imagine how much hair there would be after six months of braids. if you are really worried a lot of women use garlic products to tame shedding. i think alter ego garlic conditioner is a hit for some. Hth
It has been reiterated on this board that shedding IS normal. Hair has a life cycle and when it's done it "falls" out aka sheds.

I dunno about taking garlic pills to stop shedding. It may delay it but shedding will still occur. #Tislife.