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My hair has started to shed alot. I tried a 2 min reconstructor and it didnt do much. So the next week I did a henna treatment and I am still shedding. Could it be a moisture problem?? I feel like I am losing the little bit of hair I have. I recently relaxed, and switched from no lye to lye. What do I do?? I prepoo with alma and vatika wash with a shik poo bar and dc. Thanx in advance for the replies
I have a terrible shedding problem as well:nono:...I started using Alter Ego Cren hair drops and Cinnamon essence mixed together,which work when used consistently(both are used to tighten and strengthen hair follicles to prevent hair loss) HTH
The next time you relax, can you switch back to a no lye. If I'm not mistaken, I believe relaxers with lye is a whole lot harsher on your hair. I also noticed that the more often I wash, the less shedding I have. I think it has something to do with keeping the hair follicles unclogged. When dirt or oils block or clog the hair follicles, your hair tends to shed more.
My hair has started to shed alot. I tried a 2 min reconstructor and it didnt do much. So the next week I did a henna treatment and I am still shedding. Could it be a moisture problem?? I feel like I am losing the little bit of hair I have. I recently relaxed, and switched from no lye to lye. What do I do?? I prepoo with alma and vatika wash with a shik poo bar and dc. Thanx in advance for the replies

Maybe have your iron levels checked. I think topical solutions can provide some relief but your issue sounds like it may be more than normal shedding.
You know what I did stop taking my hair vitamins!!!! Maybe I should start back. I will try the vitamins. Thanx guys!! I feel silly
My hair was shedding 20 to 50 hairs each time I pulled on it. I tried APRETADORA, a Dominican product. It stopped immediatey. I use it as my regular DC to keep my shedding at bay. I also use a Dominican garlic shampoo ALOPECIL.

Years ago I had such terrible shedding I cut all my hair off 'cause hair was everywhere! But not this time!!!

Read the reviews @, I get mine on ebay
