Shedding: What is and isn't normal (and an ORS question)


New Member
I bought one the other day, but it was right next to the relaxers. I am a natural head--but since I cut my locs off in July I haven't DC'd yet... :look: :drunk: I feel like I am shedding a lot of hair... I always have hair in my comb from detangling. When I wake in the morning and slick the IC gel in my hair to get my pull I notice a few hairs come with me. Is this normal? I comb my hair maaaybe 1x per week--never more than twice per week.

What is NOT normal shedding

I need guidance.

Also, can natural heads benefit from ORS Replenishing Pak?

This is my regi
1. Wash 2x per week/Shampoo with Deva Low Poo 1-2x per month
2. Detangle with Suave Coconut Natural Condish in 4 sections.
3. Put in Deva Curl One Conditioner as my leave in
4. Spray bottle of 1 part CFGC, 1 part Deva One Condish, many parts water. Spray 2x per day

at night I
1. Use a Satin Bonnet
2. Spray my hair with the aforementioned
3. Sometimes I put more conditioner in for slip
4. Flat twist down for the night/braid.
I found an interesting book online called the World of Hair. Its published by Proctor and Gamble (P&G) which of course does tons of R & D into hair. Anyway, they conservatively estimate hair loss from shedding as the following:

As we saw in Chapter 1, all hairs naturally fall out at the end of the growing period. Everyone loses between 50 and 80 hairs a day. They tend to come out with brushing and shampooing. So if you wash your hair only once a week, it is perfectly in order for you to lose several hundred hairs at one go!

Here is the link to the book, its pretty interesting since it provides an in-depth discussion into the science of hair, how it grows, etc.

P&G Beauty & Grooming | The World of Hair
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If you saw the softball sized shed hair balls that I normally have each week you'd pass THAT is abnormal shedding. I'm a natural head too and used to love the ORS packs. Usually I'd jazz it up with a bit of olive oil and honey but they worked great...I think I may need to go back to those since I'd stopped using it after my large bottle ran out and I've been bouncing around ever since.