shedding! my hair feels so thin!!! so upset

Superfly Sister

Well-Known Member
My hair has been shedding like CRAZY! :( my hair isn't as thick as it used to be... not the same mass/volume. My pony tail looks so poor :nono:

When I wash my hair MASSES of hair comes out and it's so upsetting... I shed everywhere I go. Sometimes I'm scared to brush my hair... I'm really worried I'll have no decent hair left if this carries on! My hair was looking GREAT a few months back, my mother and father complemented on how gorgeous it looked and now I have horrible looking thin hair *cries*

Ladies, what can I do to prevent this from going on any further... I want my thick healthy hair back!
I'm so sorry about this- it's tough to put so much work into your hair only to feel as if it's not producing the results it should.

Do you know for sure it's shedding, and not breaking? Shed hair has a white bulb at the end; broken hairs do not and are typically shorter than your actual length.
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If you're starting to shed all of a sudden you probably should check with the doctor, it could be low iron levels.
Black tea rinses
Coffee rinses
and consistent cold water rinses have been known to curb shedding.
Start taking garlic supplements, not too much as they can thin the blood. Make an appointment with your GP though, because their maybe some underlying medical issue.
I'm so sorry about this- it's tough to put so much work into your hair only to feel as if it's not producing the results it should.

Do you know for sure it's shedding, and not breaking? Shed hair has a white bulb at the end; broken hairs do not and are typically shorter than your actual length.

Pretty sure it's shedding judging from the length of hair. they're looooong strands :(

If you're starting to shed all of a sudden you probably should check with the doctor, it could be low iron levels.
Black tea rinses
Coffee rinses
and consistent cold water rinses have been known to curb shedding.

how do I make tea/coffee rinses. Do I do this before or after conditoning. Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it!

Start taking garlic supplements, not too much as they can thin the blood. Make an appointment with your GP though, because their maybe some underlying medical issue.

Thanks for the advice Cream Tee... I'll try that. Does it matter if it's oderless garlic supplements?

I definitely will see the doctor, I've been pretty stressed over the past few months maybe that has something to do with it?

I'm upset because I've put in a lot of work and effort in to my hair since I joined this site. I know there are more important things to be bothered about but still, all my efforts and now this! :( when I section my hair in half it feels so different.

I hope I can regain it's thickness. I'm not so bothered about length...
When I do tea rinses I brew some using a couple bags and pour it on my head and proceed to apply my DC (tea rinses could be drying). Coffee rinses could be your final rinse in that you leave it in your hair and proceed to leave ins and styling. Or you could rinse it out and or also use it as part of your DC. I like to layer products in my DC step so that's what I would suggest.
For your health and the sake of your hair that you've worked so hard on find ways to relax...I've recently started using sea vegetables in my protein shake and surprisingly they help calm the mind. A visit to the health store my introduce you to something to help with stress after your visit to the doc:)
Pretty sure it's shedding judging from the length of hair. they're looooong strands :(

how do I make tea/coffee rinses. Do I do this before or after conditoning. Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it!

Thanks for the advice Cream Tee... I'll try that. Does it matter if it's oderless garlic supplements?

I definitely will see the doctor, I've been pretty stressed over the past few months maybe that has something to do with it?

I'm upset because I've put in a lot of work and effort in to my hair since I joined this site. I know there are more important things to be bothered about but still, all my efforts and now this! :( when I section my hair in half it feels so different.

I hope I can regain it's thickness. I'm not so bothered about length...

Yeah odorless should be fine.

:bighug: I'm sure you will regain your lovely hair. :yep:
When I do tea rinses I brew some using a couple bags and pour it on my head and proceed to apply my DC (tea rinses could be drying). Coffee rinses could be your final rinse in that you leave it in your hair and proceed to leave ins and styling. Or you could rinse it out and or also use it as part of your DC. I like to layer products in my DC step so that's what I would suggest.
For your health and the sake of your hair that you've worked so hard on find ways to relax...I've recently started using sea vegetables in my protein shake and surprisingly they help calm the mind. A visit to the health store my introduce you to something to help with stress after your visit to the doc:)

Ah... I washed my hair today, I wish I'd asked about this sooner. I'm a tea junkie so I'm never short of black tea. Next time I wash I'm definitely going to try this :yep: thanks for the tip about DC too, my hair is prone to dryness which I've been able to manage by conditioning properly.

I think i need to start taking cholera and spirulina again, I've been slacking over the past few months. My diet isn't bad but not as great as it has been (it was EXCELLENT!), it's expensive to eat healthly :( I don't earn what I used to so I've had to compromise :nono: I love fresh fruit and veggies but like I said, it's expensive....
When I do tea rinses I brew some using a couple bags and pour it on my head and proceed to apply my DC (tea rinses could be drying). Coffee rinses could be your final rinse in that you leave it in your hair and proceed to leave ins and styling. Or you could rinse it out and or also use it as part of your DC. I like to layer products in my DC step so that's what I would suggest.
For your health and the sake of your hair that you've worked so hard on find ways to relax...I've recently started using sea vegetables in my protein shake and surprisingly they help calm the mind. A visit to the health store my introduce you to something to help with stress after your visit to the doc:)

Hi there,
Can you share what sea vegetables you take?
Thanks in advance for your response
morehairplease this is the one that I use...the lady at the store recommended it. She said that it helps deal with stress and such and to be honest I bought without high expectations but when I take it I can honestly say I feel like 'me.' I'm not on a raw diet or anything or eat exclusively organic so despite my less than perfect diet this actually does work...I use the antioxidant one only because it was on sale...these things are crazy expensive!
I'm shedding a lot too but I only wash and detangle 1x a week.

It may seem like a lot of shedding if you don't detangle that often.
I am so sorry you are going through this. I have had the same issue in the past as well. Have you looked at your shedding cycles? They tend to be different for different people. Could you be a spring shedder? I shed in the fall, but both of my siblings shed in the spring for some reason. You may not have noticed in the past if your hair was not as thick. Unfortunately, the more hair you have, the more you have to shed. :sad:

Also, are you using any type of growth treatment such as MegaTek? That can increase your shedding as well.
I've been shedding like crazy for months! I tried protein conditioner dc treament. It worked for awhile; then the shedding became worse. In the last couple weeks, I realized I stopped taking my digestive enzyme caps. I'm taking them again and it may be too soon, but my hair has appeared to decrease shedding approx. 90%! I take them after each meal. I'm praying this is answer to my problem. I will also add two green veggie to my lunch and dinner meals and use the black tea rinses. Hopefully this will be what I need. Oh I forgot to mention I saw my dr. about this problem. He left the ofc. returned 10-mins. later with a 2-pg. print-out from the computer about the resting phase of the hair cycle. I wanted to slap him!

You may want to research Digestive Enzymes. Good luck!
I've been shedding like crazy for months! I tried protein conditioner dc treament. It worked for awhile; then the shedding became worse. In the last couple weeks, I realized I stopped taking my digestive enzyme caps. I'm taking them again and it may be too soon, but my hair has appeared to decrease shedding approx. 90%! I take them after each meal. I'm praying this is answer to my problem. I will also add two green veggie to my lunch and dinner meals and use the black tea rinses. Hopefully this will be what I need. Oh I forgot to mention I saw my dr. about this problem. He left the ofc. returned 10-mins. later with a 2-pg. print-out from the computer about the resting phase of the hair cycle. I wanted to slap him!

You may want to research Digestive Enzymes. Good luck!

Nova Interesting! If the enzymes do work, then it seems to me that your follicles were lacking in nourishment because your body was not breaking down food or supplements well enough to allow your blood to deliver the necessary nutrition to your hair follicles.

LOL @ wanting to slap your doc. Bless his heart for tryna educate you on what he thought you didn't know. :giggle:

@Superfly Sister, if you get the all clear from your doctor, then I suggest you check out this site: It has some tips that could help. I hope you have ways to de-stress because stress can be a problem too. Also you said the strands are long, but do they have a bulb? I don't know if you relax or not but hair could break at the demarcation point even when one has half an inch of growth so that breakage would still give long strands. For it to be truly shedding, there should be bulbs at the end of the strands whether white or black.
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I recently noticed I was shedding more. I must be a spring shedder! I did some research on YouTube and found out about black tea rinses. I followed Tracey aka KISS. She washes and rinses then does her tea rinses which she leaves in her hair for 30mins and without rinsing applies her DC. I tried it for the first time on Sunday and couldn't believe the results. When I detangled my hair there were hardly any shed hairs. Unfortunately I did find a few tea leafs! It's relatively inexpensive and very effective.
This is right around the right time for crazy shedding. Our hair sheds more during the fall and spring. We should still shed between 50-100 hairs a day but during shedding seasons its on the higher end of that spectrum. I think alter ego garlic conditioner really works well for shedding. Good luck to you! Don't worry it will get better :)
Hey, if your hair is shedding CLUMPS or is getting noticeably thinner, that's not normal shedding. You know your hair best, so be honest with yourself about whether it's just heavy normal shedding influenced by growth cycles OR if it's totally different than what your hair has done before. If it's not normal for you, it could be imbalances of thyroid hormones, other hormones, low mineral levels, you name it -- that you won't know unless you get some tests done at the doctor's office.

Whatever is going on, I hope you find a solution! Just don't hesitate to get medical tests if you think you need them.
I'd definately say go to the doctor for a yearly physical and have them do the routine blood work and it will check your iron and thyroid. I have very thick hair and the one time in my life that it started to thin and shed like that it was my iron, my iron was extremely low! And I didn't realize it for another 6 months by then it started to wreck havoc on my skin too. A change on the outside reflects something going on on the inside. Especially if you haven't done anything different to your hair
Hi, I just wanted top post a quick update.

I know it's barely been a week but since I posted this thread I decided to take my vitamins again :yep: I've also added orderless garlic too. More importantly, I've made a concious effort to eat better again.... my diet has been pretty bad over the past several weeks due to not having the money to eat as well as I used to.

Today, I started taking Chlorella and spirulina again, I had fallen off the wagon with regards to that.

I was washing my hair this afternoon and I noticed the shedding is considerably less! which is relief. Also, there are less hairs in my comb. I've yet to try tea rinsing but I definitely will try this the next time I was my hair.

I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor for peace of mind

Thank you ladies for all your advice and suggestion.
Make sure to get your thyroid tested, Lupus testing and iron testing. All these can cause hair loss.

And if you don't get many B vits or eat much meat it will fall out.