Shedding more when wet??


Ok so I've been battling some UGLY shedding for a few months. Some weeks it's better than others but the past few washes I've noticed something kinda weird. When my hair is wet and I'm either finger combing or using a comb it seems I shed ALOT more than after it's dry. I'm pretty sure it's not breakage because the pieces are so long and I see the white bulbs on most of them at least.

I don't really understand this because my hair is certainly more manageable wet than dry but for some reason it feels like it's staying in my head more if I wait till it's dry before manipulating too much.
I especially noticed after this last wash on Friday night before I was braiding my hair this weekend. It seemed like every time I friggin TOUCHED my hair it was coming out. But once I let it air dry and was twisting it up I hardly lost any. Even while I was parting and braiding my hair all weekend it wasn't breaking or coming out and I was using a really small tooth comb sometimes. Anybody have any thoughts on this or am I insane?
Personally, I think you're insane.
Just kidding!!

I think you might just be in a shedding phase right now, and it's easier for the hairs to come out when your hair is all wet as opposed to when it's dry.
Well thanks alot there Lindy! lol My insanity has been confirmed. I figured it was a shedding phase but I just don't know why it happens more when my hair is wet. Ah well. I'm not gonna sweat it too much since I'm braided up now.
mine has done the same thing lately, which is why i don't comb my hair all week once it's in the bun. i don't want to lose any more hair from taking it down and putting more moisture on it and putting it back up. i also stopped washing more than once a week.

Like Honeycomb, my hair reacts the same way. Traditional natural hair care wisdom dictates to only comb the hair when wet and loaded with conditioner. It took me a long time to figure out that that just didn't work for me. When I comb my hair in this manner I get LOADS of shedding and breakage. When I allow it to air dry to the point of just being damp and comb, then I get very minimal, if any, hair loss. Even if I just finger comb when wet I get a lot of breakage.

Hope this helps!

I think we need to add this to some kind of lexicon. You said:

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When I allow it to air dry to the point of just being damp and comb, then I get very minimal, if any, hair loss.

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To me, this is like heaven! I say that because whenever I have gotten a bout of tangles which frankly I did not want to deal with, that's exactly what I've done. Just leave it alone, move on with the routine and wait...then use the comb to detangle...easy as pie!

Maybe it's a 4a/2b thang

Yay!! I'm not the only one. See Lindy

Ok so I think I will try this too. I may have been trying to force my hair to go along with the rule that you should only comb when wet. Just another case of different strokes for different folks I guess. Hopefully this new technique will save me some hair.
Hey Ennyaa... I noticed the same thing about 2 weeks ago. I would comb with a WIDE tooth comb after washing and hair would be alll on my hands and this is while I call myself being very gentle with it. It would just come out. I realized that I don't have that problem when it's dry. I figured that hair is most delicate when it's wet and more susceptible to breakage (probably at this shedding stage atleast). I comb it with the conditioner in it in the shower, get out and GENNNNTLY add my leave-in and leave it alone until it's dry. Then it's fine again. Wow, this is weird because I thought it was ME!!!!
Glad you posted this.

I hope all is going well with you. Hurry up and get here so you can get those feet out of that SNOW and into some SUN and sandals!!! (he he he)
Girl you ain't neva lied!! I'm so sick of this weather I could spit. My mood has beed straight in da TOILET. I should be there soon. I'm about to take a month of unpaid vacation just to get the hell up outta here and seriously job hunt.