Lady Esquire

New Member
I'm 7 months postpartum. And the shedding is out of control.

Hair everywhere, on the floors, clothes, everywhere.

If I run my fingers thru my hair, an excessive amount of long strands, w/bulbs come out.

After a rollerset on Sunday, I unclogged my shower, cleaned my combs, and threw out a huge ball of exaggeration.

And its wreaking havoc on my ends.

Do I wash more or less frequently now?
Remain in my protective-styling mode? keep the remaining hair in tact?
Took my first garlic pill this morning, and it has me feeling weird and I taste it in the back of my throat.

Maybe its the brand I bought: the generic supermarket garlic tablets.
This and back pain is the only thing I hated when I had my kids. Well I went through this twice. For me My hair didn't start normalizing until the 9th month. Use the lowest manipulation possible. I don't know if you should do the braids, it seemed to do me more harm than good. DON"T trim! Remember your hair is coming out from the root not the ends(breakage). I never used the garlic treatment while this was happening but oiling the scalp, massaging it in and cowashing in the morning made a big difference. The second time was easier for me to deal with because I knew what to expect.
I'm 7 months postpartum. And the shedding is out of control.

Hair everywhere, on the floors, clothes, everywhere.

If I run my fingers thru my hair, an excessive amount of long strands, w/bulbs come out.

After a rollerset on Sunday, I unclogged my shower, cleaned my combs, and threw out a huge ball of exaggeration.

And its wreaking havoc on my ends.

Do I wash more or less frequently now?
Remain in my protective-styling mode? keep the remaining hair in tact?

Girl, this title had me cracking up...:lachen::lachen::lachen:.
Okay, back to the problem at hand. Let's analyze the situation... are you doing anything different to your hair? did you make any drastic changes with either product or methods from before? come on now, let's narrow this thing Down right now today so you can put an end to this shedding....:sad:. Do you have ANY idea what could possibly be the cause of this incessant shedding you describe? Hang in there...and just know your loved and supported..:theteam:
Me too. I'm convienced its the weather and I changed my hat as well. Do garlic treatments for the next month or so and try to give your hair a rest with some nice braids, weave or twists.
It's normal for women to shed a lot after pregnancy.

Many new moms are surprised to find themselves shedding more hair than usual in the first few months after giving birth, but it's perfectly normal. And there's no need to panic: You won't go bald. In fact, your hair should be back to normal by your baby's first birthday.

Here's what's going on. Normally, about 85 to 95 percent of the hair on your head is growing and the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting stage. After the resting period, this hair falls out — often while you're brushing or shampooing it — and is replaced by new growth. An average woman sheds about 100 hairs a day.

During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing stage. There are fewer hairs in the resting stage and fewer falling out each day, so you have thicker, more luxuriant tresses.

After you give birth, your estrogen levels take a tumble and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting stage. Soon you'll have more hair coming out in the shower or on the brush. This unusual shedding will taper off and your hair will be back to its pre-pregnancy thickness about six to 12 months after you give birth.

By the way, not all women notice dramatic changes in their hair during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Among those who do, it tends to be more obvious among women with longer hair.
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I'm 7 months postpartum. And the shedding is out of control.

Hair everywhere, on the floors, clothes, everywhere.

If I run my fingers thru my hair, an excessive amount of long strands, w/bulbs come out.

After a rollerset on Sunday, I unclogged my shower, cleaned my combs, and threw out a huge ball of exaggeration.

And its wreaking havoc on my ends.

Do I wash more or less frequently now?
Remain in my protective-styling mode? keep the remaining hair in tact?

I'm sorry you're having a problem with shedding, Lady. To answer your questions, I woulld not wash more frequently because I think, at this point, low manipulation is probably best. I would also continue with the protective styling and hold off on the trimming, for now. If you're wearing a protective style, your ends won't be seen anyway.

Could the shedding be coming from an internal problem? Make sure you limit stress, get enough sleep, do some exercise, eat as healthy as possible, and drink lots of water. If you're not doing so already, you may want to consider taking least a good multivitamin.

I hope your excessive shedding stops soon.
go to or where ever you want to order and get you some nutrine garlic shampoo, the conditioner and hotoil treatment. Take a odorless garlic supplement. Make sure to monitor your BP and menses carefully, garlic is a blood thinner and it may lower your BP. Eating green leafy veggies will help also. I am due in 4 weeks and I already have mine on order :) and I am implementing Cathy Howses reconstructor method now by deep conditioning with protein and moisture every 4 days. God bless, I pray this works for you if you try it.
It's normal for women to shed a lot after pregnancy.

Many new moms are surprised to find themselves shedding more hair than usual in the first few months after giving birth, but it's perfectly normal. And there's no need to panic: You won't go bald. In fact, your hair should be back to normal by your baby's first birthday.

Here's what's going on. Normally, about 85 to 95 percent of the hair on your head is growing and the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting stage. After the resting period, this hair falls out — often while you're brushing or shampooing it — and is replaced by new growth. An average woman sheds about 100 hairs a day.

During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing stage. There are fewer hairs in the resting stage and fewer falling out each day, so you have thicker, more luxuriant tresses.

After you give birth, your estrogen levels take a tumble and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting stage. Soon you'll have more hair coming out in the shower or on the brush. This unusual shedding will taper off and your hair will be back to its pre-pregnancy thickness about six to 12 months after you give birth.

By the way, not all women notice dramatic changes in their hair during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Among those who do, it tends to be more obvious among women with longer hair.

Just read this same exact article earlier today. Thanks!

Garlic CAPSULES -- not tablets!!!

Yes, ma'am! Will go check which one I bought. I have had that nasty garlic yuck mouth all friggin' day.
go to or where ever you want to order and get you some nutrine garlic shampoo, the conditioner and hotoil treatment. Take a odorless garlic supplement. Make sure to monitor your BP and menses carefully, garlic is a blood thinner and it may lower your BP. Eating green leafy veggies will help also. I am due in 4 weeks and I already have mine on order :) and I am implementing Cathy Howses reconstructor method now by deep conditioning with protein and moisture every 4 days. God bless, I pray this works for you if you try it.

I ordered some Alter Ego Conditioner Treatment and it arrived today. I have been meaning to try the Nutrine, so if this AE does not help, I will.
When I was going through the "incessant shedding" I used the garlic pills (approx 4000 mg a day) and my Phytospecific Cap 'Energy vitamins....It took about a couple of weeks for it to kick in but when did - it stopped the shedding considerably.. I only wish I started using it before shedding started...
Tea Rinsing! Trust and believe! It instantly stops the shedding! :yep:

Brew up a pot of tea and let cool before you wash your hair. After your last rinse pour the tea all over your hair making sure it gets down to your scalp. Some rinse it out others don't, I don't.

I don't have children therefore I never been postpartum but I have "shedding like an animal" so I know that pain well. Tea rinsing is the only thing that worked after 1.5 years of unbearable shedding!
Garlic Supplements! I've had the same problem with shedding also, and I started taking garlic supplements and it stopped my shedding alot.
I ordered some Alter Ego Conditioner Treatment and it arrived today. I have been meaning to try the Nutrine, so if this AE does not help, I will.

Hi Lady,

Your hair will be fine. You will love the Alter Ego. It really does help shedding, especially for stretches. It really detangles and makes the hair soft. I just used some tonight and is under the dryer now with my rollerset at 12 wks post.
Tea Rinsing! Trust and believe! It instantly stops the shedding! :yep:

Brew up a pot of tea and let cool before you wash your hair. After your last rinse pour the tea all over your hair making sure it gets down to your scalp. Some rinse it out others don't, I don't.

I don't have children therefore I never been postpartum but I have "shedding like an animal" so I know that pain well. Tea rinsing is the only thing that worked after 1.5 years of unbearable shedding!

MonaRae, any tea?
I too shed like an animal! Have been for quite a while. I started using Queen Helene's garlic shampoo and it has decreased immensely! Just in case the capsules don't work, that may be an option. But honestly, it should stop after a while, this happens to many women after they give birth. It's hormonal.
I feel your pain. I stopped my regular garlic supplements and last weekend I lost a fistful of hair. I swear to God my hair feels so thin now!!!!! I never lost hair like that as long as I was on my supplements!!! I take odor free garlic gels and I swear by them. Get some of those pills right away girl. It will make a world of and believe!
I'm 7 months postpartum. And the shedding is out of control.

Hair everywhere, on the floors, clothes, everywhere.

If I run my fingers thru my hair, an excessive amount of long strands, w/bulbs come out.

After a rollerset on Sunday, I unclogged my shower, cleaned my combs, and threw out a huge ball of exaggeration.

And its wreaking havoc on my ends.

Do I wash more or less frequently now?
Remain in my protective-styling mode? keep the remaining hair in tact?
Hi LadyE,

Go get the Nioxin shampoo and start using that as your first shampoo and then follow up with your regular products. It's the Nioxin Cleanser with the number 7 on it (that's the one for chemically treated hair).
This made a world of difference for me.
It really clarifies the scalp too, so be sure to use a moisturizing shampoo as your second one if you chose to do a second shampoo.

I had this same issue after my first child, but not as much with my second because I remembered to use the shampoo like I should.
Tea Rinsing! Trust and believe! It instantly stops the shedding! :yep:

Brew up a pot of tea and let cool before you wash your hair. After your last rinse pour the tea all over your hair making sure it gets down to your scalp. Some rinse it out others don't, I don't.

Tea rinsing is the only thing that worked after 1.5 years of unbearable shedding!

I was going to come in and say this but I'll add a big ole DITTO to this. I cannot believe something as easy and cheap as tea rinsing stopped my shedding. I brew black tea (my entire box cost me about $2) usually 3 tea bags then add 2 tbsp of honey and stir and pour this over my head after I shampoo. I let it sit for about 10 mins and then add my conditioner and get under the dryer for 20 mins.

Use a tea that DOES have caffene. I use just regular black tea made by lipton.
When I risne there is hardly any hair in my drain cover and when I am combing to rollerset very few hairs in the comb. I wash every three days and in between washes I have very few hairs in the comb. I hope this works for you. I remember how bad the post baby shedding was for me and this was pre LHCF.
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I too shed like an animal! Have been for quite a while. I started using Queen Helene's garlic shampoo and it has decreased immensely! Just in case the capsules don't work, that may be an option. But honestly, it should stop after a while, this happens to many women after they give birth. It's hormonal.

they say you have a significant drop in estrogen after giving birth, maybe eating food rich in phytoestrogens will help.

Foods to Eat

A low-fat, high-fiber diet will help the body to adjust more easily to changing hormonal levels.

Whole grains
Fresh vegetables
Tofu and tempeh
Seeds and nuts (especially sunflower seeds)

According to Chinese medicine, the following foods will build the yin:

Wheat germ and wheat germ oil
Mung beans and sprouts
String beans
Black beans
Kidney beans
Black sesame seeds
Royal jelly tonifies the female hormonal system. A normal dose is just 100-400 milligrams daily.

Foods that contain phytoestrogens help prevent hot flashes and other symptoms of estrogen depletion:
Tofu and other soy products

I am going to take my own advice now, going to juice some carrots and apples :yep:

But get the oderless AND deordorized.

I was being cheap and just got the oderless---and that thing will have you smelling like a piece of walking garlic all day! And you can taste it.

When I start shedding alot (now I do this consist. b/c I use OCT) I take 1-2 nightly. For me--everyother day or so was enough---not a ridgid schedule with it at all.

Garlic does work!!
Hi LadyE,

Go get the Nioxin shampoo and start using that as your first shampoo and then follow up with your regular products. It's the Nioxin Cleanser with the number 7 on it (that's the one for chemically treated hair).
This made a world of difference for me.
It really clarifies the scalp too, so be sure to use a moisturizing shampoo as your second one if you chose to do a second shampoo.

I had this same issue after my first child, but not as much with my second because I remembered to use the shampoo like I should.

Thanks for the Nioxin rec. This is the worst shedding I have ever experienced, and this is my 3rd child. My diet needs a recharge.

they say you have a significant drop in estrogen after giving birth, maybe eating food rich in phytoestrogens will help.

Foods to Eat

A low-fat, high-fiber diet will help the body to adjust more easily to changing hormonal levels.

Whole grains
Fresh vegetables
Tofu and tempeh
Seeds and nuts (especially sunflower seeds)

According to Chinese medicine, the following foods will build the yin:

Wheat germ and wheat germ oil
Mung beans and sprouts
String beans
Black beans
Kidney beans
Black sesame seeds
Royal jelly tonifies the female hormonal system. A normal dose is just 100-400 milligrams daily.

Foods that contain phytoestrogens help prevent hot flashes and other symptoms of estrogen depletion:
Tofu and other soy products

I am going to take my own advice now, going to juice some carrots and apples :yep:

Thank you so much for the list. Most of those things are a part of my diet, but lately I have been extremely inconsistent.


But get the oderless AND deordorized.

I was being cheap and just got the oderless---and that thing will have you smelling like a piece of walking garlic all day! And you can taste it.

When I start shedding alot (now I do this consist. b/c I use OCT) I take 1-2 nightly. For me--everyother day or so was enough---not a ridgid schedule with it at all.

Garlic does work!!

Yeah, yesterday it made me sick to taste the garlic in the back of my mouth ALL day. So I'll be picking up the odorless and deodorized today.

for those of you that suggest the garlic supplements, is there any specific brand that you'd recommend?
for those of you that suggest the garlic supplements, is there any specific brand that you'd recommend?

After I had my little one I just used the store brand (Vitamin Shoppe or GNC) as long as it was odorless and was at least 1000mgs..if you cannot find 1000 mg or more - get the 500mg and just double up...
I normally shed quite a bit and it's something I had to just get used to but for the past month, I've been mixing Amla in my deep conditioner and sealing with it 2-3xs a week. I noticed a difference right away (within a day or two). Now I shed about 1/4 the amount I used to. Not sure that this will work for you but it's inexpensive and worth a try.