Shedding Like a CAT


New Member
For the past 1mth I have been shedding so bad. I hve not changed or added anything. My hair is about 1wk post I wash 1x-2. I use the following
Dove shampoo heat protectant and con
sometimes Karecare 1st latther and moisturizing shampoo (use becasue I paid for it at $10 and I am gonna use it)
Aphogee Greentea and leave-in
African Pride Herbal Oil and suave VO5 2-3x wk for ends (I baby my ends like crazy)
In still use MTG maybe 2x per week
I just did a mini end clip which helped. I mean when I comb my hair I have hair eveywhere. I do keep it up most of the time because when I try to comb it just gets everywhere. I don't know what to do. Could it be my hair shedding season. Oh yea I have done aphogee 2min.
I'm pretty sure you're shedding like a human. Are you shedding a lot more than 150 hairs per day? If not, you're fine.

Shedding is normal and natural. It's going to happen all the time and there's really not much you can do about it. As long as you're not seeing bald spot or clumps of hair coming out, you're fine.
Girl, I was going through the same thing! For me it was post pardem (sp?) shedding. I've been doing protective styles so I won't have to see it