Shedding - Help!!!


New Member
I'm having a bit of a shedding problem(I think) when I comb my hair at night there's SEVERAL HAIRS IN THE COMB AND ON MY HAND. It may not be as much as some(I've seen pictures), but I have thin hair and I think it's an excessive amount. I can ball it up and and wrap it around my finger which looks like a that of a quarter size. I'm 5 weeks post relaxer and the last time I did relax it was texlaxed. My new growth is so thick now especially in the crown area that sometimes it's hard to come. In addition, I can just rub my hands through my ponytail after applying my oils and moisturizer and it continues to come out. Could this be winter shedding because I have went 20 weeks stretching my relaxer and I don't think I had this much. I think that I have tried everything from CPR and a protein reconstructor to pre-poo to conditioning washes and the shedding is still there. Some I see are from the root and some have been broken. Does anyone have any advice that would stop the shedding. I'm trying to reach APL, but if I'm shedding this much it may be a thin APL. I'm wearing protective styles buns and french rolls. My mother has mid back length and she says that everytime she has a growth cycle she gets a lot of shedding, but the only different between her and I is I have a relaxer and she is natural. Any advice would be greatly appreicated.
Angel, are you CWing to help manage the newgrowth? After 5-6 week post relaxer I HAVE TO CW to keep my hair moisturized and unmatted(even though I do it daily anyway). This week I noticed that from henna to POO to DC to Rinse out, I collect less than 10 hairs from the drain. Big improvement for me, used to be 2-3x more.
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Yes, I try to CW one day during the week and pre-poo, shampoo and Condition one day. I have being using sulfur 8 and drinking carrot juice for thickness and I'm seeing the results. I did switch from CON to Silk Elements and Motions over the last month or so. When I used Surge 14 and WGO; my hair was oily but it didn't shed as much. I'm trying to transition from bone strait to texlax; not sure if that has anything to do with it.
What are you using for strengthening right now? Sounds like you stopped the surge. WGHO has to be used sparingly, but it does significantly soften new growth. You could probably just part your hair in four parts(think relaxer parts) and go straight down and straight across and then just massage in. Are you alternating moisture and protein foryour deep conditions? And are you using heat or no heat with them?

For quick shedding decrease, I'd highly recommend 5-10 days of daily conditioner rinsing. I just rinse my hair in the shower with water, holding my head straight back, then add my conditioner (alternate protein & moisture), clip my hair, SCRUBBA-DUB the body, then just before I get out I uncip, rinse, squeeze excess water out and clip back up to dry. I sometimes wrap my hair in a towel for 5min(NO RUBBNING) then add a spray leave-in or a lil more conditioner, & coconut oil to seal it all. Thats it. Clipping really keeps down on to much tension and =NO BREAKAGE
Avoid excessive combing. When applying moisturizer to your hair, do it gently and in sections. Same with combing... comb gently and in smaller sections.
Remember too, it is normal to loose 50+ hairs a day, especially when your hair is in a growth cycle.

You are right that it could be winter shedding. It should begin to balance out.

I wish you well.