Shedding help needed


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!
I have a concern regarding the amount of shedding I experience and I'm sure you lovely ladies can lead me in the right direction.
I am a WL natural and detangle my hair weekly along with weekly shampoo washes followed by a deep conditioning treatment. During the week I conditioner wash once, and just wet my hair with water the other days while I'm showering. My leave-ins consists of Hawaiian silky 14-in-1 miracle worker, giavanni smooth as silk or some other moisturizing conditioner then sealed with olive oil or argon oil. I do a protein treatment every two months or the wash after I flat iron (which ever comes first).
I've tried tea rinses and garlic shampoos, but I still have a lot of shedding...about the size of a golf ball to a little larger weekly.
Another thing is, when I straighten my hair (about every 3 months) I only lose about 4 hairs a day...very minimal.. but when it's natural... hairs fall out when I just run my fingers through it, run water on it or move it. Im not sure if its too much moisture because it doesnt feel "mushy," in fact, it feels boarderline dry at times. I also had blood work done in June and everything came back normal...Your suggestions are greatly appreciated...thank you!
Shedding a golf ball when your hair is waist length is no need for panic. Healthy growing hair sheds about 50-100 strands daily. When your hair is straightened, you probably manipulate it more so remove shed hair regularly and so think you only lose 4 hairs. But when it's natural, you probably don't comb it as often and so all the shed hair stays trapped in the coils and when you do eventually manipulate your hair, all the past days' shedding comes out at once.

If I didn't shed a golf ball (and I'm only BSB) after manipulating my hair only once a week, I'd be worried and fear that my follicles were abnormal.

The only time shedding should worry you is if your hair is thinning or you're seeing bald patches.

The Hair Growth Cycle

This video sorta shows what goes on in normal hair growth (although this is showing body hair):
Thank you so much!..I appreciate your feedback. I have thick hair strands but fine in density so I'm concerned each shampoo wash, but after reading the information you provided I'm much more at ease.