shedding hair


New Member
I don't konw if anyone has seen my question about taking vitamins and birth-control. My question was could these pills be to much for my hair to handle? And being a first time vitamin taker does it cause shedding as a side effect?. Does taking these vitamins cause dry and itchy scalp aswell. I take birth=control pills,cod liver oil pills, and pantotheic acid. I want to try biotin but I'm afraid.
Hi Vanilla bean
. It could be that it is just your seasonal shedding.

It happens to most people in the Fall and Spring. I don't think the vitamins would cause you to shed....but here is a little BUMP...someone might have an answer for you.
Hello again Vanillabean!

There could be many reasons for shedding, including the change of the seasons as Erica78 mentioned. I've never had vitamins cause my hair to shed but a lack of iron in the body, for example, can definitely cause hair to shed.
Did the shedding start as soon as you started taking birth control pills? It could be a result of the hormonal changes these pills cause. Perhaps some ladies on birth control can share their hair experiences with it.
i been on the pill for awhile with no side effects to my hair... one thing i've noticed since I have been taking biotin is that my face breaks out something horrible!!!!! i have stopped taking biotin, i want my face to stay clear!
Thank you ladies for your advice. it just seems to me that my hair is going throw so many changes, and I have so many questions about it. Isis yes it started when I started the pills I'v been on them for a month now, but I noticed the shedding a few days ago.
which website can Nutrine Garlic Poo and Conditioner be purchased from?

Ballet Bun ...
I've been on BC's for 13 years, and have had no hair side effects.
Are you sure it's shedding and not breakage? Looong strands with little white bulbs on the end or different lengths with blunt ends?