Shedding and Feeling Defeated


Well-Known Member
:cry:I'm just having a sucky day y'all. I'm so down. The past few days I've been having a lot of shedding. Sprinkling all over my bathroom counter. I feel so stupid because I didn't see any shedding the days following my 2-Step treatment on Friday so I celebrated thinking I was in the clear as I anxiously wait for my 11 week relaxer this weekend. Anywhooo, I'm noticing the shedding (they are hairs with the white bulbs) and I'm just confused and down about it right now. Since I joined this forum actively three months ago, I had NO breakage or shedding. I DC, moisturize, seal and all that good stuff. And now this happens. The frustrating part is that it could be a lot of stuff but I'm not mad or sad about anything or overworked right now. Perhaps it's the season or I'm just taking too long stretching my relaxers. Or who knows...maybe Aphogee just isn't for me. I've been working my tail feather off taking better care of my hair and give my hair stregnth that I've NEVER had but now this happens. I haven't done anything with it this week since I'm getting a relaxer but that shouldn't be a reason for the shedding. I don't care, I'm still gonna get my relaxer this weekend and just jumpstart my haircare regimen afterwards.:sad:

Sorry ladies, I just felt like venting about. Have a good evening y'all.:crying3:
Try a Tea or Coffee rinse and take garlic

of course keep up with your nutrition and make sure your health is ok

and remember this too shall pass :flowers:
Buy some garlic shampoo. I take Garlic Supplements (cheapie at Wal Mart) and I haven't seen shedding in some time. Good luck girlie.
Isn't it frustrating?? ...I've been dealing w/ a lot of shedding also, I'm using garlic oil on my scalp once a week and it seems as though (knocking on wood) the shedding is slowing down some. I chop up about 6 garlic cloves and add it to 1/2 cup of EVOO and let it sit for 4-5 days. On the day I'm going to use it I warm it up and apply it to my scalp and let it sit for 30 min.

Hope you find a solution...
Sometimes stress can mess with your hair, too. I always try to find the blessing (or good thing) in the lesson (the difficult doesn't feel too good situation). Sometimes I fail to find it, too! In this case, I think you are doing all the right things. You are asking questions, examining your actions and analyzing what may be going on. That's how you learn for a lifetime. I am sure that you will find your answer. Hang in there.
Thanks girls...I needed that. I'm gonna pick some garlic products this wknd as well as researching the rinses. Thanks for the recipe Kami and thanks for those words Chicoro.
i took garlic supplements for mt-related shedding and it stopped dead in its tracks within a day or two. im talking it looked like a cat shed its skin in my shower or something, and afterwards there were almost NO hairs. i got mine from wal-mart.
Thank God I decided to vent this evening...I never thought that those garlic supplements were that helpful. I usually breeze through the posts about them. lol. My bad.
:cry:I'm just having a sucky day y'all. I'm so down. The past few days I've been having a lot of shedding. Sprinkling all over my bathroom counter. I feel so stupid because I didn't see any shedding the days following my 2-Step treatment on Friday so I celebrated thinking I was in the clear as I anxiously wait for my 11 week relaxer this weekend. Anywhooo, I'm noticing the shedding (they are hairs with the white bulbs) and I'm just confused and down about it right now. Since I joined this forum actively three months ago, I had NO breakage or shedding. I DC, moisturize, seal and all that good stuff. And now this happens. The frustrating part is that it could be a lot of stuff but I'm not mad or sad about anything or overworked right now. Perhaps it's the season or I'm just taking too long stretching my relaxers. Or who knows...maybe Aphogee just isn't for me. I've been working my tail feather off taking better care of my hair and give my hair stregnth that I've NEVER had but now this happens. I haven't done anything with it this week since I'm getting a relaxer but that shouldn't be a reason for the shedding. I don't care, I'm still gonna get my relaxer this weekend and just jumpstart my haircare regimen afterwards.:sad:

Sorry ladies, I just felt like venting about. Have a good evening y'all.:crying3:

Try garlic shampoo also cinnamon and sole products tighten the scalp.
Coffee rinses also work
Try garlic shampoo. My mom said that it's working for her.
Your hair will get better.
yea, i had posted a thread a while back about Nutrine (?) garlic shampoo or something like that...I heard a lot of good feedback.
I've been reading about zinc and selenium supplements and the importance they play in hair loss. I've been experiencing a lot of shedding for the past few months and I just started taking both of these so I'm going to see what happens. I've been taking the garlic supplements and they really haven't been working. I might try alter ego and see what happens too. But I'll admit, my diet has been really crappy for the past few months and I know a lot of it has to due with stress related to my job (esp my job), financial obligations (i'm an emotional eater), etc.
hang in there, things will get better. i, too was a chronic shedder, i did everything the posters mentioned and together, they all helped...especially try the coffee, just pour it over your hair, let it sit 30 minutes or leave it in, you should see results immediately...hang in there, help is on the way....