shedding and air drying


Well-Known Member
does anyone here find that they shed more when they wash their hair after wearing it air dried??

i feel like i shed a TON yesterday. like maybe 40-50 strands instead of 20. i washed my hair, deep conditioned, tried to gently detangle in the shower. i found there was a lot more hair than when i was washing my old roller set hair from the previous time. i gave up and then detangled after getting out of the shower. i shed more than usual! like a lot more! and then i saw more hair in the tub!

of course i air dried last night out of sheer laziness.

maybe this is because i am manipulating my hair less during the week since i keep it in a bun?

maybe i should cut back on the detangling since it -will- go in a bun??

i know you're supposed to lose 100 hairs a day but i def don't lose that much and i have thin fine hair! i can't afford to lose that much!

If you are keeping your hair in a bun all week without manipulating it, when you finally wash all the shed hair from the week comes out, so it might seem like a lot. My hair does this too.
I totally feel the same way - that air drying leads to a TON of shedding. That's why I avoid doing it. I have managed to try it and get soft hair, but the shed hairs tangle around each other and when I wash, it's a tangled, shedding mess. I've pretty much decided to leave airdrying to the pros on this board.
I feel that way. I've recently given air-drying two shots and both times I felt like I shed plenty. I probably wont be trying that again for quite some time...=/
People shed an average of 50-100 hairs per day, so you are completely within the normal range. Also, shedding is one of the three phases hair goes through so unless you have bald spots or severely thinning hair, I'm sure you're fine. It's really not that serious. Not detangling or manipulating your hair less will not stop shedding, it's going to happen anyway. It's important that you detangle to get the shed hairs out so that they don't cause tangles.

How long was it from the time you washed until when you found the 50 hairs? One day? Which would be completely normal. Or a few days? Which means the shed hair would have built up, so instead of 20 (which is what you're used to), you saw the cumulative amount.

And did you actually count the hairs? That's kind of odd.