Shedding after removing braids?


New Member
I know there is supposed to be a healthy amount of hair shed following removal of braids. However, is this normal:

I removed my braids (rows) last night in the dark. Mainly because my son was asleep next to me and also because I get nervous seeing alot of shed hair. I raked through each segment as I unbraided. When I was done, I turned on the light and combed through my entire head of hair with a detangling comb. I got a normal amount of shed hair. I then ran EVO through my hair wrapped it in a cap and scarf and went to bed.

now, here's where I have a ?, This AM, I did a pre-wash comb through. Hair was STILL coming out. I then washed it, again more strands coming out. After washing I placed a deepcon in my hair, combed A TINY BIT and braided it into two braids. Still-more hair. I am wearing a plastic cap, a scarf, a piece, and a hat to work today (it's a very nice hat, so don't go thinking I look a hot ghetto mess). BUT will the hair fall ever slow down? Usually it stops when I blow dry it--this is when I lose what looks like a massive amount as the dryer shaked it all loose. I don't really want to blow dry it, but I may have to.

What is your braid removal/de-shedding procedure? Do you lose hair like i do, or do you get it all with one comb out? HELP PLEASE!

Other thing is i seemed to get more breakage than I normally do. I will not return to that braider again. My hair seemed to grow in the three weeks and I really want to keep braiding, but I don't like breakage.
one thing i will say, even tho u comb and detangle ur hair, sometimes the "fake" hair used to braid is STILL on ur head, and when u wash ur hair, it appears as if u r losing tons of ur own hair which is not the case. HTH
Thanks CH, I was wondering that. i lost this clump of hair that I wasn't sure if it was really the fake stuff or mine. it looked like mine, but i wasn't sure. I decided to let it go, what's the use of crying over it.
ITA with CH. I also use a mild protein before I deep condition when taking down braids to slow up shedding. The last set I removed in Dec. I didn't have much shedding at all. I was surprised but I used Aubrey's GPB right after I shampooed and follwed that with a deep condition. Stopped the shedding in its tracks.
I experienced some major shedding after having flat twists in for too long. The girl that washed my hair at the shop was pulling out hair the length of my arm. :eek: There were clumps of hair sitting on my shoulder. Very scary. Thankfully it was just dead hair. But seeing it all piled up was pretty weird.
I will try using GBP next time Simplycee. Thanks.

BHB, I know that feeling. There were some long hairs coming off last night. All in all, I've had less than I 've had before, but I've yet to blow it dry.