Shealoe... Quick Question


New Member
Ok... so.... What's the differenence between shea butter and shealoe? I know Shealoe has the aloe vera in it but is there a difference in the way their used on the hair? Can anyone break this down for me :-)?

ETA: While I'm at it, what's the difference between these butter and say, avacado butter, and mango butter. I know that how one person's hair reacts may be different from someone else's, but there's gotta be a better way to find out besides buying them all and seeing how they work... Can anyone give me a quick general breakdown of how all these butters do in the hair?

Anything anyone can offer is much appreciated. I'm clueless when to this stuff!
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That's a good question. I have a loose idea - there are differences in hardness, differences in fattiness, differences in waxiness, different melting points (which could roll into hardness, but I'm not sure), differences in colors, and of course, different smells. And I'm sure there are other differences that I'm not thinking of.

I don't know if anyone have ever put together a concise comparison list of butters and oils - that would so rock if they did, though!
I'm not sure about all the differences, but I kind of use the shealoe more like a gel for puffs are for twisting. I use the shea butter for straight moisturizing like if my hair is dry or im babying my ends. HTH
Op you answered all of your questions in your original post:) Truly the only way to find out if there is a difference in butters lies in your own experience.