Shealoe Butter


New Member
Has anyone ever used shealoe butter? If so, what was your experience with using it? I am about to purchase some butters, shea for sure, butter I was wondering how well other butters compare to shea, especially shealoe. Thanks!
Which other butters are you considering? I really love avocado butter, but I have never tried shealoe.
I have used shealoe butter. It's great! It leaves my skin soft and silky feeling. It works very well on my hair also.
I have never bought shealoe, but I mix shea butter & aloe and I love it. It's lighter than shea butter & more moisturizing that aloe alone.
ThursdayGirl said:
How do you mix your own?


I just melt the shea butter & add an equal amount of cold aloe vera gel.
I usally mix 1 teasppon each and use that up, because it starts to seperate if you let it sit. Nursen98 told me about adding emulsifying wax. But I have found that if I only mix what I need it doesn't get a chance to seperate. HTH :up:
Also when I use this I don't need to reapply daily, it very moisturizing.
Cichelle said:
Which other butters are you considering? I really love avocado butter, but I have never tried shealoe.

Cichelle, I already have avocado butter that I have never used. I don't know why I haven't used it yet. I just used up all of the mango butter that I had and I was considering buying more of that. Do you use any other butters besides avocado?
kenkaikim said:
Cichelle, I already have avocado butter that I have never used. I don't know why I haven't used it yet. I just used up all of the mango butter that I had and I was considering buying more of that. Do you use any other butters besides avocado?

That's the only one I use, but I do have some unrefined shea butter here somewhere that I should really try. I think what happened to me is someone who has the most beautiful hair recommended avocado butter and so I had good thoughts about it before I even tried it. Then when I did the big chop last week, I found that it works well on my natural hair. But I do want to eventually try other butters...maybe I will try to mix up some shealoe since I have the shea butter and the aloe that I am not currently using. Let me know if you try it and how it works for you!
Cichelle said:
That's the only one I use, but I do have some unrefined shea butter here somewhere that I should really try. I think what happened to me is someone who has the most beautiful hair recommended avocado butter and so I had good thoughts about it before I even tried it. Then when I did the big chop last week, I found that it works well on my natural hair. But I do want to eventually try other butters...maybe I will try to mix up some shealoe since I have the shea butter and the aloe that I am not currently using. Let me know if you try it and how it works for you!

I got up from the computer and spritzed by hair with distilled water and applied the avocado butter. My hair is so SOFT and it's not greasy at all. I guess that's why I hadn't used it before, because it looks like it will leave your hair greasy, but it doesn't. Where did you get your unrefined shea butter? I also have aloe vera gel that I have never used before and once I order my shea butter, I can make my own shealoe. I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have alot of length. I shaved my head on April 29th so I am working with a TWA, but I love it!
kenkaikim said:
I got up from the computer and spritzed by hair with distilled water and applied the avocado butter. My hair is so SOFT and it's not greasy at all. I guess that's why I hadn't used it before, because it looks like it will leave your hair greasy, but it doesn't. Where did you get your unrefined shea butter? I also have aloe vera gel that I have never used before and once I order my shea butter, I can make my own shealoe. I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have alot of length. I shaved my head on April 29th so I am working with a TWA, but I love it!

I'm glad you like the avocado butter. Like anything else, all we can do is give things a try because everyone's hair is different. I got my unrefined shea butter from someone in my family who said he got it from an "African vendor". I haven't used it, but I put it in my hands to check how it feels. It's hard, so you have to work with it in your hands/fingers and then it softens up. I think there are places online that you can get it.

You can look at my fotki to see the length of my hair. My big chop was after a transition of over a year, so I have a little length...still short though. HHG!
I have used shealoe that I ordered at From Nature With Love. It was very moisturizing and provided great shine. It is definatly something I will order again.
I love the shealoe butter, it is easier to work with than plain shea. I love it in my hair but have not tried it on my skin yet.

ETA: the shealoe does give great shine.
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I have to get this stuff! I'm looking for shine without serums and silicones. I can't wait to be all natural!
c_octavia said:
I have used shealoe that I ordered at From Nature With Love. It was very moisturizing and provided great shine. It is definatly something I will order again.
I JUST ordered this stuff from FMNWLV myself the other week. So I've been using it for a little over a week now. I must say that I REALLY like it. I use it just straight out of the jar and make sure to work it in, and it does the trick. I had been looking for a good product to provide moisturizer daily because I hadn't found one that I was happy with. I was particularly impressed with the shealoe because sometimes I get lazy and sleep without a scarf on my hair. When I do this, my ends can get really dry. But for the first time, I did it after putting the shealoe butter on my ends and when I woke up they were STILL moisturized. This one is definitely a keeper!