SheaCocoaButterCream Treat!!!!!


New Member
This is what i named the whipped butter i just made. It truly proved to feel like a treat for my hair.

I chipped away at the Pure Cocoa Butter (Its a very hard butter) and put the pieces/shavings in the blender after i accumalated enough of it, then i added a few oz of Pure Shea oil , then put the blender on whip...and Walla, i had my treat!!! this is how i will do all of my butters from now on that are hard, instead of melting!!! the only down side is you cant get it all out of the blender:D ...i hate wasting a drop
laugh.gif i took my fingers and gathered some and rubbed it into my face.....that feels great too now!!

I slathered it all over my hair and scalp and felt it INSTANTLY soften my hair.

anyway here are the pics and trust me my hair DOES NOT lay down like this often, very few products do this , and this is on dry hair , my hair DOES NOT lay down like this dry, only the butters seem to do this on my hair

if you dont mind a little (or alot) of oil and want incredibly soft hair , this is the treat your hair will love!!!
smells like Cocoa too
Hey Irresistible thank you for posting this! I followed your directions and made some your sheacocoabutter cream and this stuff is great! After a conditon wash I used it on my hair before putting it in a bun and my hair was so soft!
ricamorena03 ...I'm glad it worked for you, dang you did that fast

pookeylou....yup it is, looks and smells like you can eat it

UmSumayyah....ok will do
smile.gif definitley would be a good pre poo treatment, exept its gonna feel so good you might not wanna wash it out

blue_flower....yes girl, you will love it!!


soulchild...yes!! Thank you so much for making that suggestion, i think this is much better than melting the butter' turned out great!!!
Oooohhh, I want to try this.

What's your opinion on blending different oils (e.g. EVOO) with shea butter?

I have a spare blender stick and the shea butter I use is not as firm as the one in the pic, but I'm afraid of spattering while blending. Was it very messy while blending?
OnceUponAtime said:
Oooohhh, I want to try this.

What's your opinion on blending different oils (e.g. EVOO) with shea butter?

I have a spare blender stick and the shea butter I use is not as firm as the one in the pic, but I'm afraid of spattering while blending. Was it very messy while blending?

[/ QUOTE ] I think blending any butter with oils is gonna be a good thing...BUT the softer the butter, the less oil (if any) your gonna need. I mostly only mix softer butters with harder butters and oil....or just use them as is...when they are soft , they are only gonna become more oily and runnier with oils. and might not even continue to be the consistency of a butter.

it wasnt messy, i used a reg blender, not hand held. it has a whip button on it , and it worked great......i just couldnt get all of it out of the blender like i wanted ...i wanted every drop out lol
Irrisistable, where do you find pure cocoa butter and shea oil from? Someplace like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods?
dannie_19 said:
Irrisistable, where do you find pure cocoa butter and shea oil from? Someplace like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods?

[/ QUOTE ] i get mine online at , im sure you could find some oils in a health food store though
Irresitible....You done started somethin' cause I ended up mixing up my own stuff after you posted this....I blame you for my product junkie disease...but I believe I'm cured now.....I need some serious prayer time.....
oglorious1 said:
Irresitible....You done started somethin' cause I ended up mixing up my own stuff after you posted this....I blame you for my product junkie disease...but I believe I'm cured now.....I need some serious prayer time.....

[/ QUOTE ]

well not really just seemed like thats what i should say
i know your gonna love the stuff you mixed up
Another question, Irrisistable. I noticed in your album the cocoa butter you used was white. I thought the pure stuff was black. I am wrong about the color of cocoa butter, and if I can't find the pure stuff, would it be O.K to use something that had additives? Sorry for all the questions, but I want to make sure I do it right so I can reep the full benefits! Thanks so much for answering my questions.
dannie_19 said:
Another question, Irrisistable. I noticed in your album the cocoa butter you used was white. I thought the pure stuff was black. I am wrong about the color of cocoa butter, and if I can't find the pure stuff, would it be O.K to use something that had additives? Sorry for all the questions, but I want to make sure I do it right so I can reep the full benefits! Thanks so much for answering my questions.

[/ QUOTE ] Its actually brownish ...i have never heard of or seen black cocoa butter , i dont know what would be ok to use as far as additives go, the stuff i used is pure cocoa butter, im not sure what additives would do girl